Young Apprentice 2022 - Understand and apply


Are you looking for your first job? With the Young Apprentice 2022 registrations you will be able to enter the job market easily, so don't worry, now it's easy for you to find a job and work.

And the best thing is that with this program, you can get an opportunity in large companies recognized in the market, such as the Correios, Caixa Econômica, Itaú and other banks. Join the team and apply now!

This program is exclusive for you who are finishing your studies or have just finished, however, you want to enter the job market with your first job. And it is through Young Apprentice 2022 that you acquire this opportunity.

Learn how to apply for Young Apprentice 2022

If you are interested in registering for the 2022 Young Apprentice project, you will need to access some websites specific to the vacancy you are looking for or access the official website where you are interested in working.

The application process is completely remote. Some examples of platforms you can use are: ABRE, CIEE, IEL, etc. They are electronic sites where you register your resume and there the respective candidates are forwarded to the companies.

An alternative way to join the program is to always be alert on the “work with us” tabs of the companies you are interested in working for, as opportunities for Young Apprentices often arise.


Be a young apprentice and learn about contract renewal

If you are thinking of joining a company as a 2022 young apprentice, be aware that your contract may be renewed for two years. However, for this to happen you need to excel in your role. You will be paid for the hours and periods worked, and it is equivalent to the minimum wage for the year 2022.

In short, if you excel at your job and do it successfully, when your contract as a young apprentice is ending, your superior can renew it. On the other hand, it may happen that you are not renewed as a Young Apprentice, but as a CLT employee.

If you don't know, a Young Apprentice will be able to perform several functions within a company, such as answering the phone, delivering passwords to customers in queues, answering emails, helping company customers, preparing spreadsheets, typing documents and many others. things for the good functioning of the company.

Criteria to apply

In this block, learn about the criteria and requirements needed to enroll as a 2022 young apprentice, as it is necessary to be in full compliance with the rules laid down by the institute that constitutes the respective program. Look:

The young apprentice will only understand the logic and functioning of work through theoretical and practical courses, in this way he will be able to carry out his function in an effective and productive way. Get pregnant and do your best for the company that will hire you.

It is through this very valuable opportunity that you will gain experience and be polished to face future jobs, extract the best and the greatest amount of knowledge you can, all of which will be a powerful tool in your hands in a while.

See some benefits offered to the Young Apprentice

You must be wondering about the benefits that will be offered to you at that moment, and to let you know briefly, among the various benefits, you will have transportation vouchers, meals, life insurance, dental services, doctors and others.

If you apply for a position as a young apprentice at the post office, for example, you may be offered food vouchers, transportation, up to 20 hours of work per week, while at Bradesco, in addition to these, you will also have practical and theoretical courses.

Bradesco Apprentice ➟ From 4 to 6 hours of work per day, theoretical and practical courses, food allowance and transportation allowance; Young Apprentice Caixa ➟ 13th salary and transport/food allowance.

However, regardless of the company you provide the service to, your salary as a 2022 young apprentice will be guaranteed, since this guarantee stems from the Apprenticeship Law, that is, your salary will be similar to the current minimum wage.

Apply now and acquire your financial independence at a young age

If your fear is not having experience, pay close attention: In these companies there will be a competent and experienced professional who will guide you in every job you will perform, in addition to the courses provided.

Anyway, to help you, click here and register on this site, and don't stop there, keep searching until you reach a work contract. Success will soon knock on your doorstep, grab the opportunity and enjoy your journey.

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