Artificial intelligence - Arts Generator App


Welcome to the world of applications that make true works of art through the artificial intelligence e estão super em alta. Hoje vamos falar do aplicativo Wonder – AI Art Generator uma super opção para quem gostar de ser exclusivo e criativo quando o assunto é criar imagens e fotos espetaculares.

All you need to do is add a prompt, choose filter and art styles, and let Wonder do the rest. Therefore, he will give his show in creating your idea in a few seconds.

We consider its operation to be very simple. Basically, you type what you want the application to paint, for example: Shattered rainbow, life under the sea, etc. In this way, everything with artificial intelligence , you choose a style for that desired theme or no style too and click create.

A very interesting trend with artificial intelligence

It seems like a dream, doesn't it, you think of the most diverse and creative themes, type in the application and it does the work of creating a well-made image and I produce an art with your theme for you in the blink of an eye.

In addition, the app has several other very cool functions that are also trends among thousands of users who like the idea of creating fine art for social networks in general through the artificial intelligence.

You have exclusive prompts (themes), in addition to that famous transformation of a photo into a drawing, it is also possible to do it through the application and the creation of a portrait by artificial intelligence.


The app has a PC version as well.

Pare de ficar preocupado com aplicativo travando com o WONDER – AI Art Generator no seu celular, deixe para trás a pequena tela e use o aplicativo numa tela maior. A partir de hoje, tenha uma experiência com tela cheia no seu aplicativo com teclado e mouse.

MEMU has a lot of cool features that you would expect: efficient installation and simple setup, easy controls, no limitations on battery, mobile data and etc.

Esse emulador é a melhor opção para usar Wonder – AI Art Generator no PC. Este emulador libera a abertura de 2 ou mais contas ao mesmo tempo. E lembrando, o mecanismo que faz a emulação é exclusivo e pode melhorar o desempenho do seu PC, entregando uma melhor experiência da artificial intelligence.

Main functions of the app

We list here the main and by the way incredible functions of the application by the powerful artificial intelligence to make life easier for anyone looking for a super app to download with the intention of creating beautiful art.

Don't forget, the application has versions for mobile phones and computers through MEMU 8. Everything you need to know we will reveal through a list below:

Well, the list above shows some of the diverse potential of tools for you to have fun with the application that will certainly meet your expectations with its effective artificial intelligence.

It couldn't be more perfect, agree? An application that unites technology with the creativity of creation. No doubt you will do great work and impeccable art with the APP.

Ready to play with artificial intelligence?

Se transforme em verdadeiros artistas! Aqui temos algumas funções legais que você pode solicitar ao Wonder para pintar para você: Poemas – Letras musicais – Combinações de palavras, exemplo: Milharal Assombrado ou Oceano de fogo, Personagens, Signos e muitos mais!

Explore many new styles in making your art all with the artificial intelligence. You can select from a variety of vibes, familiar art styles, from baroque and ornate works to futuristic landscapes, and everything in between.

It's a show apart, you can really spend hours creating and inventing fashion as the popular saying goes. Your target audience is usually people well connected to social media and who like to be flashy and differentiated in their content. Up-to-date and innovative people in short.

Does the APP help you go viral and are you prepared for success?

That's right dear Internet users, the application, in addition to providing so many tools with the artificial intelligence, once you have your original art completely personalized, you can share it with whoever you want or stay up to date with the latest fashion: #AIPainting on social networks.

Utilize o aplicativo também como tela de bloqueio e se prepare para escutar muitas perguntas como “Amei sua tela de bloqueio, como fazer essa arte?” Então você pode responder: “Eu mesmo criei essa arte!” Preparado para usar e testar sua criatividade com os poderes da artificial intelligence?

Por fim, é isso caros internautas. Esperamos que sejam felizes com o aplicativo e transbordem criatividade ao utiliza-lo. Para fazer o download para celulares basta ir na PLAY STORE ou na APPLE STORE e pesquisar por Wonder – AI Art Generator. Bom proveito!