Digital Traffic Card App


CNH Digital evolved into Carteira Digital de Trânsito (CDT). Today, in addition to the National Driver's License (CNH), you can also have the digital version of the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate (CRLV). The CLRV is better known as the “car document”.

The most interesting thing is that, as it is a federal government app, both documents are official. That is, it is a safe way to always have your documentation at hand, with the same legal content as physical documents. The app is super secure and opens by typing the owner's password.

In short, Carteira Digital de Trânsito is an app that stores your driver's license and vehicle documents on your cell phone. As long as they are in your name. Another benefit is being able to share this digital car documentation with the other drivers who use it.

Who can use the App

Qualquer um pode ter a CDT, desde que possua carteira de motorista com QR Code na parte de trás. Ou seja, habilitações emitidas a partir de 01/05/2017. QR Code é originário da expressão inglêsa Quick Response Code, is translated into Portuguese as Quick Response Code.

Right after downloading and installing the app, the user will need to access it through the Single Login. After that, you will have access to your documents, control your data and transit services. The government single sign-on account requires use of your registered CPF.

How to register for the Digital Traffic Card

If you don't have this record, no problem. Because the app itself evaluates this when you enter your CPF number. It also already opens a specific screen for this registration to be done. This will, of course, only happen once. The data requested, in order, are:


Second, the app will request security confirmations, according to the information that the federal government already has about you. The app will give you answer options for obvious questions such as:

Thirdly, to enable registration, the app will optionally send: Either a link to your email to create your password; Or a validation number, via SMS, for your account. This number is a 4-digit code that you must enter in the app. That is, the option is a choice of those who use it.

Finally, you enter the code and click on “Validar Cadastro”. The app will then ask you to create – and repeat – your password. By clicking on the “little eye”, it is possible to see the password that is being created. This feature prevents typing errors. As you create, the app analyzes the strength of the password. Above all, stay alert!

Finalizing the registration

After successfully registering the password, which only happens once, now you will enter the app. As expected, it will ask for the CPF and password you just registered. Already on the first screen of the CDT, the app asks for the Authorization for the personal use of personal data ”. Click Authorize.

Pronto! A partir daí é só baixar os dois documentos, ou seja, habilitação e documento do carro. As versões digitais desses documentos trazem vantagens adicionais. Essas vantagens, portanto, propiciam maior mobilidade, praticidade e comodidade a quem já tirou sua habilitação no Detran.

Todavia, havendo ainda mais dúvidas, é possível acessar o Portal de Serviços Senatran. Senatran e a Secretaria Nacional de Trânsito. Órgão responsável, aliás, por habilitações, veículos, infrações e educação do motorista.

The icing on the cake of the Digital Traffic Card

Além dos documentos digitalizados (CNH e CRLV), o app ainda disponibiliza três facilidades que merecem destaque:

Firstly, CRLV Sharing. In other words, it is possible for you to send the car document to someone else's app, if you are not the driver.

Secondly, the Indication of the Main Driver: That is, even if another person is in possession of the vehicle with the document, it is registered, in advance, who is the main driver.

Finally, the possibility of generating, at a discount, the invoice for infractions. This, perhaps, is the greatest advantage of the app. After all, who doesn't like paying bills at a discount? Good luck with the app!

Final considerations

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