App to Play Basic Keyboard


The search for an app to play the keyboard is increasingly common among Brazilians. The pandemic was one of the reasons that contributed to this increase, with more time at home, many people ventured to learn a new instrument. In this sense, the offer of simple and free applications undoubtedly also contributes to arouse interest in starting the study.

Thus, being able to learn to play the keyboard by yourself, or rather, using just one application, is a great way to make this musical dream possible. With that in mind, this article will present an excellent app option for you to download and start learning your first notes.

Finally, it is important to highlight that it is possible not only to learn, but also to have fun while learning. This is because the application allows the user to feel as if they were actually playing the instrument, since the cell phone or tablet screen itself simulates the keyboard keys. In addition, the app is super accessible, offering several services already in the free option.

Keyboard Playing App – Simply Piano

First, it is important that you know that this application is considered one of the best. Thus, for those looking to learn to play the keyboard or piano, it is worth betting on it. Through Simply Piano, you have at your disposal a wide variety of popular songs, from beloved artists not only today, but also from decades past.

In this way, to use the application, you just need to connect it to your electronic device, that is, smartphone or tablet. Through it, the user can learn the keyboard/piano keys and also the scores. Therefore, it is a very complete app for those who want to increase their knowledge in the field of music.

Furthermore, the entire teaching process is done in a guided manner, which is why this app is a simple and possible tool for all audiences. Analyzing its ways of use, Simply Piano has a completely free option, but also offers a premium version for those who want it. It is available on Android iOS systems.


App to play keyboard – Find out how to use it

Para usar o aplicativo, basta baixar e colocar o seu celular ou tablet sobre seu teclado ou piano para já começar a tocar. Isso acontece porque o aplicativo reconhece de forma instantânea o que você tocar. Ademais, é possível receber comentários imediatos sobre a forma que está tocando, assim é mais fácil melhorar as habilidades e, consequentemente, aprender mais rápido o instrumento.

Como mencionamos, o app oferece a opção free, ou seja, gratuita. Por meio dela o usuário já conta com o direito de fazer dois cursos de sua escolha. Além disso, para os que optarem por ter disponíveis todas as opções de cursos, também existe a versão premium, em que é cobra-se uma taxa de uso. Assim, os assinantes recebem acesso total, inclusive aos novos cursos que são adicionados.

Furthermore, it is important to be clear that new songs are added every month, as well as new complete courses. In addition, subscriptions are automatically renewed, unless the user deactivates this function before the end of the current period, the limit is 24 hours in advance, but it is possible to deactivate the automatic renewal whenever you want.

Awards & Accolades – Simply Piano

Simply Piano is an app developed by the former JoyTunes. Its creators are known for the award-winning apps Piano Dust Buster and Piano Maestro. So it's no surprise that this app is a favorite, being used by tens of thousands of people, including students and music teachers from all over the world. Find out below about their awards as a result of their quality:

app ratings

Com o surpreendente número de mais de um milhão de músicas aprendidas a cada semana, o app tem boa avaliação e é considerado fácil e seguro. Ademais, ele conta com 639 mil avaliações e tem 4,4 estrelas em sua avaliação. Com esse aplicativo musical educativo, é possível aprender de forma rápida, fácil e divertida a tocar teclado e piano. Por fim, para conhecer mais opções de aplicativos, deixo aqui a indicação de um artigo voltado para quem busca aprender a tocar violão.

Final considerations

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