Popular Pharmacy App


popular price pharmacy is an initiative of the Brazilian federal government, created with the aim of ensuring access to quality products at affordable prices for the population. It is aimed at people with a family income of up to three minimum wages, in addition to beneficiaries of the Unified Health System (SUS).

The items available at Popular Pharmacy are sold at discounts of up to 90% in relation to market prices. In addition, the initiative also has the Drug Acquisition Program (PAM), which allows the purchase of generics at even lower prices.

popular price pharmacy It is made up of its own units and associated pharmacies. The own units are managed by the Ministry of Health, while the associated pharmacies are partners of the federal government. The network has more than 8,000 units spread across the country.

Pharmacy popular price – Important information

With Farmacia Popular, it is possible to purchase pharmaceuticals for the treatment of chronic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes and asthma, in addition to essential components for the treatment of infectious diseases, such as leprosy and tuberculosis. It is also possible to acquire generics for women's health treatments, such as contraceptives and medications for the treatment of breast cancer.

The Farmacia Popular initiative is an important action to promote health and quality of life for the population. With affordable prices and wide availability, it allows more people to have access to appropriate treatments, contributing to the reduction of preventable diseases and deaths.

Farmacia Popular is also responsible for free distribution for diseases listed by the Ministry of Health as a priority. This distribution is made through the PAME program (Pharmaceutical Assistance Program of the Ministry of Health). The PAME aims to guarantee free access for people with chronic diseases and prolonged treatments.


Popular price pharmacy – Medicines Acquisition Program (PAM)

Farmacia Popular's Drug Acquisition Program (PAM) is a federal government initiative that allows the purchase of generics at even lower prices than those already offered by Farmácia Popular. This program follows the philosophy that generics, which are equivalent to reference drugs, can be purchased at more affordable prices.

Within this program, generics are available at discounts of up to 95% compared to branded prices, making them even more affordable for the population. In addition, PAM also offers a wide range of generics for chronic disease treatments, infectious diseases and women's health treatments.

One of the great advantages of PAM is that it allows beneficiaries to save money on purchase, without compromising the quality of treatments. This is especially important for those requiring long-term or chronic treatments, as the costs can be prohibitive.

popular pharmacy application

Popular Pharmacy also has an application, available for mobile devices, which facilitates access to information about the pharmacy network and the items available. Through the app, you can:

The app also has a Notification function, where users are notified when medications are available, or when promotions or discounts are available. In addition, it can also be used to schedule medical appointments and access health information. It is available for free download on the App Store and Google Play.

Where to find Popular Pharmacy

There are several ways to find a pharmacy associated with Farmacia Popular. Some of the main ways include: using the Popular Pharmacy application: The application has a search option that allows you to find affiliated pharmacies near your location. Consulting the program's website: The Farmacia Popular website has a specific section for locating affiliated pharmacies.

Contacting the Ministry of Health: You can call the Ministry of Health's call center (136) or get in touch through the Ministry's website or social networks and request information about partner pharmacies in your region. Asking the nearby pharmacy.

Asking Your Doctor: Your doctor can also provide you with information about partner pharmacies in your area and the availability of drugs available in the program. In general, it is important to check the availability and validity of the contract before purchasing any product.


Finally, Farmácia Popular is an initiative of the Brazilian federal government that aims to guarantee access to quality medicines at affordable prices for the population. It is aimed at people with a family income of up to three minimum wages, in addition to beneficiaries of the Unified Health System (SUS).

The initiative has its own units and affiliated pharmacies, and has a wide catalog of products, which are sold with discounts of up to 90%. In addition, it has specific programs such as PAM, which allows you to purchase generic drugs at even lower prices. This is of paramount importance.

Good luck!