Discover the Program - Free Dentist 2023


In order to guarantee the oral health of the population, the free dental treatment will be offered in 2023. This measure aims to guarantee access to health for all, regardless of income or social condition. The implementation of this measure will be carried out in partnership with the public and private sectors, allowing the expansion of assistance and improvement in the quality of services.

In addition, several treatment options will be available, including prevention, treatment of diseases and surgeries. The population will benefit from the initiative, having access to quality treatments and prevention of oral diseases without having to incur costs. This will be fundamental to guarantee the health and well-being of the population.

As free dental treatment, it will be possible to expand services to the population, offering services in several regions. This will be possible thanks to the partnership between the public and private sectors, allowing the expansion of services and the improvement of the quality of assistance.

Free Dental Treatment – Information

It will be possible to offer several treatment options, including prevention, treatment of diseases and surgeries. This will be essential to guarantee the health and well-being of the population, contributing to the promotion of healthy habits and prevention of oral diseases. With the expansion of service, it will be possible to meet the needs of the population.

This measure will be essential to guarantee the health and well-being of the population, contributing to the promotion of healthy habits and prevention of oral diseases. This is a partnership between the public and private sectors, allowing the expansion of assistance and improvement in the quality of services.

The population will have access to treatments through the Unified Health System (SUS), allowing consultations, exams, prevention and treatment of oral diseases at no cost. Because the health and well-being of the population contributes to the promotion of healthy habits and prevention of oral diseases.


Free Dental Treatment – Observations

Oral health is fundamental for the general well-being of the individual, after all, oral problems can affect not only aesthetics and chewing ability, but also have a relationship with systemic diseases. Fortunately, with free dental treatment in 2023, it will be possible to expand access to oral health for everyone.

To access free dental treatment, it is necessary to register with the Unified Health System (SUS). Registration can be done at health units or health posts, where the necessary information for registration will be provided, such as RG, CPF, proof of residence and SUS card.

Once registered, it is possible to schedule appointments, exams and other dental procedures for free. Availability of services may vary by region, so it is important to check the treatment options available near you. You can also seek additional information from your dentist or healthcare professional.

Dental treatments provided by the Unified Health System (SUS)

  1. Dental appointments: carried out by a dentist, to assess oral health and identify problems or illnesses.
  2. Tests: such as x-rays, to diagnose dental problems or diseases.
  3. Dental cleaning: performed to remove tartar and plaque from teeth.
  4. Obturation: procedure performed to fill dental cavities.
  5. Teeth Extraction: Procedure performed to remove teeth that cannot be saved.
  6. Dentures: such as dentures and partial dentures, to replace missing teeth.
  7. Root canal treatment: procedure performed to treat tooth infections and save infected teeth.
  8. Treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis: to treat and prevent gum disease.
  9. Oral surgeries: such as correction of jaw and teeth problems.
  10. Guidelines on oral hygiene and caries prevention.

emergency care

Emergency dental care is offered by the Unified Health System (SUS) for patients who need immediate care for dental problems that threaten their health or life. Some examples of dental emergency situations include:

  1. Severe toothache that cannot be relieved with common pain relievers;
  2. Dental trauma such as tooth fracture or dislocation;
  3. Tooth inflammation and abscess, which can cause pain, swelling and fever;
  4. Nosebleeds associated with dental trauma;
  5. Acute infections of the mouth, tongue or gums.

important tips

Brush your teeth with toothpaste and a suitable toothbrush, at least twice a day. Use dental floss daily to remove bacterial plaque and food residue from teeth and gums. Consume a balanced diet, avoiding foods rich in sugar and fat, which contribute to the development of cavities. For more information, visit our apps category.


It is necessary to visit the dentist regularly, to carry out routine consultations and detect problems or illnesses early, maintain healthy habits, such as not smoking or reducing alcohol consumption, encouraging the practice of physical exercises regularly, to contribute to general health and improve blood circulation in the mouth.

Good luck!