App to find a job - Learn how to use it


In recent years, many people have started to use an App to find a job. This type of resource provides more convenience for those people who are trying to put themselves in the market. One of the reasons for the high demand for this type of app is the high unemployment rate that is repeated year after year in the country. In the face of competition, using an application to look for a job can be useful at this time.

Nowadays there is a solution for many things that did not exist 20 years ago. If, for years, the delivery of the curriculum in person was the only way, the current reality is different. Respecting the LGPD, many brands provide websites so that candidates can register for available vacancies. Through these platforms, the company is also able to create a talent bank.

Therefore, anyone looking for a vacancy in the market, or a job in another city, can use an application to look for a job and increase their chances. For those who have never used a platform of this type, this article shows you how to register on Indeed and go in search of achieving your professional goals.

Why is it important to have qualifications?

Before talking about the application to look for a job, it is essential to reinforce the importance of preparing for the market. After all, no matter what career a person wants to take, companies value resumes from people who have qualifications. This means that professional courses can help in the search.

If the person is looking for a sales job, for example, he can look for an online sales course, or face-to-face. In addition, you can seek knowledge in sales techniques books, and list it on your resume. At the time of the interview, even if he has no experience, mentioning what he learned can make a difference. And of course, and the same logic applies to other areas.

Language courses also help the candidate to stand out professionally, and there are also free options on the market. It is worth remembering that Brazil is currently dealing with record unemployment, therefore, investing in education can facilitate entry into the job market. But this is just the first step, see how to register on Indeed to find jobs in your city.


Indeed – app to find job

O app Indeed é um aplicativo para procurar emprego bastante completo. Isso porque além de entregar soluções para quem busca um emprego também tem ferramentas para empresas. Desse modo, o Indeed se tornou um dos buscadores de empregos mais famosos do país com quase 3 milhões de downloads só no Google Play. Diante da realidade do país é possível afirmar que arrumar um emprego não está sendo uma tarefa fácil, assim vale apostar em todas as alternativas.

The numbers prove how much Indeed is a precious platform for those in the quest for a job. In first place are 250 million active users, allowing you to find jobs in more than 60 countries, and available in more than 25 languages. In this way, the Indeed app has become the number one app in the world when it comes to job search. The search is done quickly, conveniently and completely free.

How do I register on Indeed?

Para se cadastrar é simples, o usuário pode baixar o app no Google Play, ou App Store, mas se preferir pode fazer o cadastro no site.  Pelo app logo ao abrir a plataforma o usuário tem a opção de criar uma conta, na sequência será necessário preencher o tipo de vaga que ele procura, assim como a região. Além disso, no filtro de buscas a pessoa ainda pode escolher se procura um emprego remoto ou presencial.

Após informar qual a vaga que procura o app vai mostrar quais as opções, no anúncio da vaga estão todas as atribuições da vagar.  Como os anúncios são feitos por parte das empresas, vai depender de cada uma se deseja divulgar o salário e os benefícios que a vaga oferta. Se o candidato tiver interesse o link para concorrer a vaga sempre fica logo abaixo da descrição. Neste ponto vale dizer que a triagem não é feita pelo Indeed, mas pela empresa, assim como todo o processo de contratação.

app to find job – See other app recommendations like this one

Now that the reader knows Indeed, it is also worth knowing other search engines for job vacancies available in app stores.

Final considerations

Para saber mais acesse se direcione aba aplicativos desse site e fique por dentro de tudo. Encontrar uma oportunidade de emprego não é fácil, no entanto, a tecnologia pode ajudar neste processo. Seja através de apps gratuitos, ou sites de emprego, o importante é não parar de buscar e ficar atento a todas as oportunidades que surgem.