Application to Edit Video


Para melhorar vídeos nas redes sociais muitas pessoas procuram por algum app para editar vídeo. As redes sociais para vídeos são uma grande tendência, porém, os recursos de edição são limitados.  Com isso, os aplicativos de edição são a principal saída.

At first, they are simple video editing applications that last from one to three minutes, that is, nothing too heavy. For this, these apps provide essential tools to improve the video, such as cutting, adding photos, subtitles. Anyway, these apps are indispensable for those who work with these networks.

People still have doubts to choose a good app. This article covers some good options for those who don't know which one to use, as well as some tips that will help with editing.


Tiktok is a large video social network, with thousands of users who share various content. The network was launched in 2016, however, the “hype” of the network came with the COVID-19 pandemic. Among other advantages, the app provided users with prizes as they downloaded or invited friends.

Today, the social network is widely known in Brazil, the app awakens the creativity of users. As a result, the network provided opportunities for many people to grow in the digital environment, one of the most recent being Luva de Pedreiro. With a large and popular app, the demand for more elaborate and well-edited videos grows.

Some editing apps are highlighted within Tiktok itself. Quick editing apps attract more attention as most of the videos are for mobile. Also, Tiktok is originally a short video app of up to one minute, but it can go beyond that.


App to edit video – CapCut

O CapCut é uma ferramenta de edição disponível para Android e IOS, e no cenário, é o mais recomendado. Além disso, o app it has over 100 million downloads, as well as great ratings. Even more, it is the recommended editor app for Tiktok. With that, it is a great option for those looking for this type of app.

The app has a simple interface, that is, good for beginners. There is a small tutorial in the app for beginners to learn how to use the app. The user can also connect directly with Tiktok, so they can upload videos from the app itself. Also, it has the “templates” tab to see ideas for videos shared by other users.

The main editing tools are available in this application. Who uses the app can cut, speed up, reverse videos, add music, put texts. Therefore, it is a very complete app. On top of that, the app is free to download and most functions are unlocked.

Video Editing App – Tips to start editing

When opening the application, the user can start a new project or a “ShortCut”. A project is a more complete video, while “ShortCut” is for faster edits to predefined templates. Edits can be made from videos in your gallery, that is, the user can record and start editing.

After choosing a video, plan what you want to do to get likes. When opening a project, the user finds the video's timeline, in addition to the editing tools. The editor has several filters, audios and transitions for videos. Thus, the user can unleash his imagination and make increasingly elaborate videos.

Don't forget and save your designs! After saving the video, the user can still choose the quality he wants to leave the edition. After choosing, just press “EXPORT”, then the new video will go straight to your galleries. Finally, the user can share the video on their social networks.

Other editing apps

Final considerations

No mundo atual estamos cada vez mais conectados. Cada vez mais pessoas entram para o mercado digital, para isso, precisam oferecer um produto atrativo. Assim, muitas funções de aplicativos para celular suprem a demanda. Neste artigo foram propostos alguns desses apps que ajudam, igualmente, no trabalho ou diversão de muitas pessoas.