App for running – Learn to download and use now


The search for an app to run is more common today. Everyone knows that running is a great way to take care of your health. In addition to getting in shape, just 30 minutes of your day dedicated to running can benefit almost your entire body and even improve your mood. Thus, investing in ways that make running even more stimulating motivates many people to run.

Os benefícios da corrida e da caminhada são muitos. Prevenção de doenças, perda de peso, alívio do estresse, aumento da autoestima e da autoconfiança são alguns dos mais conhecidos. Desse modo, sem sombra de dúvidas, correr é um dos exercícios que trazem mais benefícios para o corpo, a mente e o espírito. Nesse artigo você vai aprender a baixar e usar aplicativos que te ajudarão a correr com mais qualidade.

With the constant advancement of technology, more and more applications are available and accessible to help with practice. For most people who run, today it is almost impossible to leave the house and not program your smartphone to calculate the distance covered. That way, with so many options, you need to analyze and choose the app that best fits your goals.


Through the Strava app you monitor your distances traveled. You can also see your routes and your heart rate simply and quickly. This way, your performance can be better monitored, not to mention that you can still control ratings and rewards for the monthly challenges that the app promotes.

O Strava It is known because it provides various facilities to boost your runs. Among them we can list some:

An interesting fact is that this app is known for forming a sports community where participants can share their journeys, achievements and new paths. Not only is it possible to share photos, but also videos of exercises performed by users. Finally, Strava brings tips on how to improve in each sport. If you need an even more specific plan, there is a Summit version, in which the user receives exclusive exercises and advanced analysis of their performance.


Nike Run Club

The Nike Run app was one of the first running apps. He is among the most beloved by the public. This app has guidance and sharing options, as well as being able to sync with Smartwatches and other health apps. In this sense, it is possible to link fundamental information, such as heart rate and calorie burning.

There are several advantages of the Nike Run. It is possible to analyze the entire route, store and compare your runs, make use of weekly and monthly challenges (which can be shared). You can still receive valuable tips and compete to win trophies. Not to mention that you can even integrate music to increase your motivation during races.

Não é a toa que milhões de usuários têm use aplicativo para começar a correr. Uma ajuda para começar ou intensificar os treinos. O aplicativo é grátis, tem idioma em português, é tem visual atrativo. É fácil de usar e ainda permite a integração com sua agenda, de modo a alinhar os treinos aos seus horários. Ademais, é possível baixar o app nas versões Android e iOS.

APP TO RUN – Recommendations

The list of apps is vast. Thus, finding the best app is subjective and will depend on some personal aspects of each runner. Therefore, it is interesting to carry out tests to learn about some options and choose the one that most pleases and meets your goals. We selected a few more apps, based on user preferences and the level of satisfaction with the apps' performance. All of them are free and available on Android or IOS operating system.

Final considerations

We are aware that technology is a great ally in achieving our goals, however, it is essential that we do not neglect the importance of carrying out a medical evaluation. In this way, Nothing replaces a complete check through routine examinations. It is important to get an expert opinion before starting to do your physical exercises.

Mantenha uma boa alimentação. Um bom equilíbrio entre gordura, carboidratos e proteínas são combustíveis essenciais para um bom desempenho na corrida. Ademais, essa dica também vale para a hidratação, compense as perdas ligadas ao seu esforço e se hidrate constantemente.

Finally, running is not a difficult activity. However, building your stamina is important, requiring perseverance and consistency in your training routine. That said, you already know that you can enjoy even more benefits and positive effects of running with the help of apps. How to download you already know. Now it's up to you. Happy racing!