We need to prepare for the future, and Private Pension is our ally. In the case of finance, it is no different: having the money collected over the years and social security, through the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), is one of the ways to have private security. There is also the option to receive everything in one installment.
Most people use social security as a supplementary income. But there are other options on how you want to have a private pension, as you can decide the time and how much to apply per month and the moment of redemption.
With the intense change in pension rules, it is recommended that people look for what is most profitable. But, in general, it is best to have a monthly amount that is saved to easily retire in the future. Therefore, this article will show you the different ways to plan privately. Let's go?!
What is your consumption style? What do you want is to have a tax benefit? Or just an income to keep? See below for some tips on these and other questions in relation to the subject.
If you plan how you are going to obtain your private retirement, you should also choose to have your pension earnings in full or monthly earnings. Still, there is the option of redemption in the lifetime form, that is, until the death of the person who has the retirement in private mode.
If you are not interested in personal gain, be aware that social security can also fund a child education project, or even a tax plan. This other application, more financial, has an advantage, as it does not have IR retention or charges on what it yields.
In addition, portability is another personalization factor in relation to private pensions. Analyzing what happens to your life and changing the way you want to invest is important. Finally, choosing a new institution does not result in new taxes, nor does it create the headache of having to invest the values again, with the whole process full of bureaucracy.
Taking care of a pension plan requires you to choose a reliable bank that knows how to manage well the resources you have invested. Therefore, the chosen institution must strive to bring you the most profitable plan, considering the finance rules in force.
What makes a difference in the money you put into your pension is how the bank operates with the resources you provided. However, do not forget: all people who have a private pension can put their money in another plan of another institution, if they want, without any fees and extra costs.
However, it is important to observe whether the financial institution you are choosing for your personal pension is linked to the National Supplementary Pension Superintendence (Previc) and the Private Insurance Superintendence (Susep). The two bodies are responsible for certifying and evaluating the activities of financial companies, in addition to allowing them to operate.
In addition to the PGBL and VGBL, people interested in having a private pension can count on the IPCA+ treasury. This modality is a combination of broad consumer inflation with pre-fixed rates. In other words, the government offers a bond for private pensions, whose main characteristic is that it increases in value according to the pace of the economy.
The minimum maturity for the IPCA+ treasury can be at least 5 years. In addition, people can make low contributions for this type of investment, without so much financial risk.
Other well-known fixed income investments are Real Estate Credit Letters (LCI) and Agricultural Credit Letters (LCA). The investments of these other modalities are invested in real estate in agribusiness and the income made with them depends on the Interbank Deposit Certificate (CDI). However, the investment is more expensive, whether in LCI or LCA.