Corporate financial management - Take a free course and guarantee your certificate


Are you facing any difficulties in managing your business? Get to know the business financial management course now, totally free and guarantees you a digital certificate, promoted by Sebrae. This is an excellent alternative for those who want to take a short distance course. Anyone interested has the opportunity to participate.

Opening an enterprise nowadays, whether for those who fit in as a micro or small entrepreneur, is an attitude that demands knowledge and good management so that the company follows the planning properly and does not get lost for even a moment. Exceptionally, many companies end up closing at the beginning of their opening.

Glimpsing the current scenario of our country, the free Business Financial Management Course aims to reach small business owners and artisans, however, the course and classes are not exclusively for this group of people. Find out more information about the course below!

The Sebrae institution offers a short course with Business Financial Management techniques

The corporate financial management course was developed so that everyone is able to understand it, that is, with a clear and objective language, and that everyone can access. However, the course is already available for you on the web, just access the official website of the institution. In addition, it is necessary to register on the platform and register to access the short-term classes.

In total, there are 3 hours of course and students can complete it within 15 days. Once completed, you will have at your disposal the free 100% certificate, which also contains an authenticity check so that students can download it without having to pay for it.

As previously mentioned, this type of course was developed thinking about small entrepreneurs and people who work as artisans. The knowledge passed on to students through the course's classes aims to teach how entrepreneurs can and should control their finances in a simplified way.


Learn about Financial Management and its relevance to entrepreneurs

When an entrepreneur sets up his first company, or starts his work as a self-employed person, one of the main focuses is to make his business go forward so that it starts to profit more and more from it. However, this will not be possible without good planning.

The free business financial management course contains all the techniques that will help you maintain and maintain financial control, in addition to helping you optimize your administration and your profits. In addition, these are basic requirements so that your small business is spared from useless expenses and keeps all expenses under control.

Acquiring knowledge about financial management will even prepare you to make assertive decisions when it comes to your business. In fact, these are decisions from the purchase of your material to the planning of investments that need to be made.

What are the modules covered in the Financial Management course for companies?

Now that you have already acquired a brief notion about financial management, it is considered relevant to point out and present to you what are the topics covered in the free course promoted by Sebrae at a long distance. It urges to register that in total there are 4 modules for the small entrepreneur to better understand the subject. See below:

However, all these subjects described will be taught in the free business financial management course in a clear and objective way, with a very understandable language, so that all students can understand and make their experience even better.

Se você nunca ouviu falar a respeito de nenhum dos temas mencionados acima, não se preocupe, o objetivo do curso do Sebrae é exatamente o ensino desses conceitos basilares sobre a gestão financeira empresarial. Veja outros cursos gratuitos sugeridos pelo nosso blog e não perca nenhuma oportunidade de se qualificar.

Check other courses available on the official website of Sebrae

This free business financial management course is a great alternative for those who want to start studying the world of entrepreneurship. However, on Sebrae's official website, there are several other free courses available and with the same duration as the short business financial management course.

However, the most requested courses there are Digital Marketing aimed at the entrepreneur, customer service, entrepreneurship in schools, fundamentals for setting up a business, career and life plan, and several other areas.

There are many other free services provided by the Sebrae institution, such as e-books, workshops, lectures, guidance articles and valuable materials for the development of your enterprise. Don't waste time there, enroll today in the Business Financial Management courses.

See how easy it is to enroll in Sebrae's free course

Se for o caso de nunca ter realizado um acesso no site oficial do Sebrae, saiba que existem vários cursos sem custo por lá, e você pode acumular cada vez mais conhecimentos no ramo de finanças, gestão empresarial e negócios. Ademais, é muito simples cadastrar-se.

The first thing to do if you are a new user is to go to the page of the course you want to follow and click on the option to enroll. Once this is done, you will be automatically redirected to the site's login page, and because it is your first access, you will need to press the register option.

Later, you will be asked for some personal information, such as your full name, CPF, gender, day of birth, address, an email and password. Once this is done, your registration will be ready and the site will be all at your disposal. Make the most of it!