SINE Fácil — Learn to Search for a Job


Citizens who are looking for a job can use the easy SINE to increase their chances. Nowadays, Brazil is going through a crisis, with that, thousands of people have lost their jobs and sources of income. Thus, one of the causes of this crisis is also the lack of opportunities in the labor market.

To help workers find work, some apps help with this task. For this, these apps usually gather data from workers and companies, thus, a “sieve” is made. In this way, these platforms select the best options for the worker, as well as for the company as well.

In the case of SINE Fácil, it is a service provided by the Federal Government itself, through the Ministry of Labour. However, few people know about the functions of this app. Therefore, this article brings some information about the platform and some tips for the Brazilian worker.

SINE Fácil — Learn more about the application

THE SINE Fácil is a platform developed for workers to find job vacancies more easily. So, the application allows Brazilian citizens of working age to find vacancies. Thus, allowing them to apply and arrange interviews with employers.

Basically, SINE Fácil does everything an app in the category needs. The app has a search for available companies, in addition, it recommends the best vacancies. With this, the worker can compete for any vacancy available at the time, as well as keep an eye on possible vacancies. For this, the application has a simple interface so that the user does not have any problems.

To download the app, just search for SINE Fácil in one of the app's digital stores. However, some other steps will be necessary to register your user and start using all the functions of the free application.


Easy SINE — How do I register?

To access the system, registration is required. This registration is done through, however, it can also be done at a SINE branch. To enter through the gov portal it is necessary to have a previous registration. Well, is the government portal to access various online services.

After logging in with, citizens can access the app's features. However, some registration update or to install the digital work card may still be requested. If the worker does not have a account, he can register on the website or application.

To enter the gov portal is a very simple process, some personal data of the citizen will be required. Thus, the user will have access to SINE Fácil, as well as INSS, ENEM, SISU, FGTS, among others.

Know how to use the platform in your favor

When opening the app, the user can see a main menu with all the available tools. To begin with, be aware of your personal information, as there can be no errors in this process. In addition, also organize your professional goals, that is, what type of work you identify with.

After informing what he works with, the citizen will check the vacancies available for his objective. For this, the worker needs to click on “Consult Job Vacancies”. This will show vacancies offered. After that, it is up to the candidate to choose the vacancy that best fits and click on “I want this vacancy”.

After all this process, the citizen will set the date and time of the interview and wait. With that, to check all the information about interviews, the app has the “interview agenda” area. In addition to everything, the platform offers other services. For example, the Escola do Trabalhador, where courses are offered to improve the citizen's curriculum.

Other apps

Some other apps also help with the job search process:

Final considerations

Being employed is a great relief for most Brazilians, contradictorily, we have a large population without work. Therefore, in a country with so many difficulties in relation to the labor market, it is essential to have help to achieve goals.

In this article we brought some apps that facilitate the search for a job vacancy. With emphasis on SINE Fácil, being an app from the Federal Government itself to encourage the labor market. As well as other platforms that can help with this process.