GuiaBolso — Organize your bills


Having an app like GuiaBolso can help improve your financial life. For many people putting their financial life in place is a problem, as they have no means of controlling it. Furthermore, other people do not have controls over spending and earnings, thus revealing a major financial education problem. However, with the arrival of new technologies, some apps promise to solve this type of situation.

The Guiabolso app makes it easy to keep track of all the household bills. It is a fact that financial education in Brazil is not something that many schools offer. Thus, the country occupies the 74th position in the global ranking of financial education. As a result, the number of economically unstable people is very high. After all, this type of education is almost not enough for a large part of the population. One of the consequences of this fact is the increase in the debts of Brazilian families.

With the arrival of new technologies, many people are changing the way they organize accounts. As a result, the demand for intelligent systems is increasing. After all, the famous financial spreadsheets can be complicated, which is why financial organization apps like Guiabolso are highlighted. In this way, the user does not need to worry about writing down inputs and outputs. Furthermore, this category of software is easy to access. Therefore, having a cell phone in hand, anyone can start using it.

GuiaBolso — Learn more about the app

GuiaBolso is a system that aims to try to improve your financial life. In this way, thinking about those who have more difficulty organizing the house's money. For this, it uses essential functions for those who want to take good care of their money. As well as security to bring personal bank details to the app.

With the app, GuiaBolso, you can gather your accounts in one place. Thus, it is much simpler to follow, only needing a cell phone with internet. There are several bank options to bring, for example, Itaú, Caixa Econômica, Banco do Brasil, Nubank, among others. Other functions of the app stand out when it comes to being careful with your finances.

Having several facilities for those who use it, the app is one of the most downloaded in this category. After all, there are more than ten million downloads in the digital app stores. The app is available for cell phones with Android and IOS systems, that is, on most devices. So it's pretty easy to find the software, plus it's free to download.


GuiaBolso — Learn to access

To use GuiaBolso, you first need to get the app on your device. After that, when opening the app, the user will have to register on the platform. In this way, account entries will only be made by those who have access. To do this, just enter an email, as well as create a strong password to make it difficult for potential intruders to work.

After creating a login, to continue the process, the app will ask for your bank information. The user will provide the account number, agency and internet access password, so the app will have access. However, only data from card statements and invoices will be used. After all, it is a financial health analysis system.

With the first access made, just start using the main tools of GuiaBolso. Also, you can add as many accounts as you want to analyze. At first, the app will show a brief summary of your statement and balance, that is, outgoings and incomings. In the app, the user can divide expenses into categories, see performance graphs, among other essential functions.

Recommendations for improving financial health

A good tip to start is to start tracking income and expenses. Thus, start to have control and organize expenses, because you will know how much you can spend without going over the point. With that, bringing more balance and not letting any expense go unnoticed. Currently, several apps can do this work for free, without having to fiddle with the numbers.

Learning about financial education is also an important detail, since few people have access to it. Because, with the help of this learning, it is possible to control your money more efficiently. As well as trying to fly higher than just controlling inputs and outputs, and, for example, start investing. So, really, it can be a turning point in life.

In addition, it is essential to plan to get out of the red, in other words, pay off debt. In this way, try to see non-essential points in your accounts and eliminate them, since the priority is another. The intention is to reduce outstanding amounts through the money that is not left over. After taking the loss, it will be possible to reallocate the money to other investments or useful expenses.

Other apps

Many other apps offer unique functions to balance your financial life. Like GuiaBolso, they are free to download and use the tools. In addition, each one with a purpose and differential for each case, being very useful software in everyday life.

Final considerations

With all the difficulty in gaining access to quality financial education, it is difficult to control finances. So, having a system that helps to have a minimum notion of expenses and input is essential for many people. GuiaBolso is one of the most profitable to try to improve the use of your money. However, there are several options, also useful, on the market.

To find out more about apps that can help, visit the applications area of the website.