Food Assistance Benefit 2024


O food aid is a benefit granted by the government with the aim of guaranteeing access to quality food for low-income workers. In 2024, around 10 million people will benefit from this aid. However, the value is R$190 per month, and the worker can use it to buy meals in accredited establishments.

Food aid is paid directly by the employer, who must deduct the amount from the worker's salary. To be eligible for the aid, the worker must have a monthly income of up to R$1,045 and work in a company with more than 10 employees. In addition, the worker must be registered in the portfolio and have fulfilled all labor obligations.

Food Assistance – Information

For companies, the benefit is a way to attract and retain employees, as it is an attractive benefit that is valued by workers. In addition, food allowance is also a way to promote the health and well-being of employees, which can result in fewer absences and absenteeism and greater productivity.

In 2024, food assistance will be even more important, as many workers still face financial difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, food assistance can help these workers access quality meals and maintain their health and well-being during this uncertain time.

Food Assistance – Registration

Check if you meet the requirements to receive food aid: monthly income of up to R$1,045 and work in a company with more than 10 employees, in addition to being registered in the portfolio and fulfilling all labor obligations.

Contact the employer and request food assistance. It is important to check whether the company offers this benefit and what the process is for requesting it. However, fill out and sign the food assistance request form provided by the employer. In this form, you must provide personal data, such as name, CPF, address and telephone number.


Submit the signed food assistance request form to the employer. Wait for the employer to approve the meal allowance. However, if the request is approved, the worker will receive food assistance directly from the employer.

Other Aid Available

In addition to food stamps, there are other benefits available to low-income workers and other categories of workers. Some examples of other benefits that may be available are: Bolsa Família: Bolsa Família is a federal government program that provides financial benefits to low-income families.

The objective of Bolsa Família is to guarantee access for children and adolescents to food, health and education. Vale-Gás: Vale-Gás is a benefit granted to workers who use their own vehicles to work. However, Vale-Gás is a prepaid card that can be used to buy fuel at gas stations accredited by the government.

Important Benefits

Food Voucher: Food Voucher is a benefit granted to workers to guarantee access to quality food. However, the Food Voucher is a prepaid card that can be used to purchase meals in establishments accredited by the government. Vale-Cultura: Vale-Cultura is a benefit granted to workers to guarantee access to cultural activities.

Vale-Cultura is a prepaid card that can be used to buy tickets for theater, cinema, music, dance and other cultural activities.Seguro Desemprego: Seguro Desemprego is a benefit granted to workers who were fired without just cause. Unemployment Insurance is an amount paid monthly by the government to workers who meet the requirements to receive it.

Conclusion: Specials

However, Continuous Payment benefit (BPC): BPC is a benefit granted to people with disabilities, elderly people over 65 years of age and people with mental disorders who have low income and are unable to provide for themselves. The BPC is an amount paid monthly by the government to beneficiaries. Visit our applications category for more information.

However, Social Integration Program (PIS): PIS is a benefit granted to workers who contribute to Social Security. PIS is an amount paid annually by the government to workers who meet the requirements to receive it. Public Servant Asset Formation Program (PASEP): PASEP is a benefit granted to public sector workers who contribute to Social Security.