Free antivirus - Discover the best free antivirus for your cell phone


We all need one free antivirus when we deal with cell phones, tablets and the like on a daily basis, especially those that offer effective protection against viruses, malware, and even loss and theft.

Furthermore, the application you've just discovered is a security package that always makes the main functions available, regardless of version, including location in cases of theft.

 I'm sure it's the ideal application for you, the application still has an attractive look, and an interaction area that's super practical to use, making your choice even more correct, not to mention that it's free.

Top-notch, effective protection with Free Antivirus

Who has never had to deal with the invasion of viruses on their cell phones, right? Eventually we are caught by surprise, either by carelessness or naivety, and there is no way to predict.

However, for those who are still not very familiar with the universe of digital security and its complicated configurations, the antivirus free will be your final destination to start applying on your device.

By the way, you will be awarded with a very clear and objective interaction environment, a great interaction with the web field, access to the main resources and you also have the possibility to do the verification in the background.


Brief walkthrough of the Free Antivirus application

While downloading the app free antivirus for the first time, it will be necessary to configure the three main elements of the app, “security”, “backup” and “lost device”.

It's very simple and fast, knowing that even the most lay users of the platform have the ability to handle it, since the platform itself is intuitive, explains all the existing functions there.

Follow the 4 important steps recommended there. You'll only have to read what each tool does and select the option you want to activate it. However, to deactivate it, just tap on the respective function.

Understand more about malware security

Security is a very generic nomenclature, however, it can have several meanings. In this case it refers to an antivirus scan. When selecting this function, the application itself will show you the result of the last scan.

And the accuracy will be in the number of applications that were checked, the time and any threats found. There will be a button (green) next to “Recent Activity” that will allow you to scan.

O free antivirus it also has a great function, the possibility of carrying out an antivirus scan in the background, that is, you will be able to access other things while the application is running.

Backup feature

Preliminarily, it is convenient to say that the backup is one of the super important tools in the application free antivirus. Makes automatic copies of contacts and registers in the appropriate servers.

In the Premium version available on the app platform, it also backs up photos and call history. You will be able to verify your information that has been saved and, if you wish, restore it to your smartphone.

 The fact of backing up your applications or even their data is very interesting. Can you imagine losing all the stars you earned in your favorite game and losing everything later?

Smartphone lost case

I think everyone, for some time, has had the concern of losing their Smartphone, can you imagine? Not yet free antivirus some fantastic resources will be offered for cases like this, used in conjunction with the web.

One of these functions is the alarm, for those inattentive. Who never left their device somewhere and forgot where it was? If it is connected to the internet, just access the app's website and log in.

In the “lost device” option, you activate this alarm. Therefore, your cell phone or tablet will emit an alarming sound, similar to that of an ambulance, even if your cell phone is on silent.

Discover the basic features that you will have access to when you download the application

The primary tool of free antivirus it is safe browsing, which can be checked in real time on all the websites you browse on your cell phone or tablet.

It will certainly warn you if you are accessing any dubious page or one that contains some risk, for example, scams and fraudulent content. In addition to these, check out the range of functions and tools available there:

Liked all the functions that the free antivirus allows you to access? Making your searches safer and safer. Consult the application platform and find out about its many advantages.

Download the Free Antivirus App “Lookout” and protect your device

Para baixar o Lookout em seu dispositivo móvel vá até o Play Store e busque por “Lookout Security & Antivirus”, ou clique AQUI. O App free antivirus It has the best protection to keep your device safe.

Lookout is easy even when downloading to your mobile phone or tablet. Even the theft alerts are simple to configure, and the official website provides a lot of information and useful data for your understanding.

Caso queira mais dicas sobre o tema, clique aqui e fique por dentro de todas atualizações referentes a aplicativos de free antivirus between others. Don't waste time and be another user of the app shown here.