Fitness Recipes - See the Best App


For those who are starting to live a healthy life, it is essential to have a Fitness Recipe App. People who are starting to train something need follow-up with the nutritionist, however, many foods are cut from the diet. Mostly those foods that are common in everyday life. Most are food and dishes to make at home.

However, many people do not know recipes that can vary the menu. To help with this, programs have been developed to help those who want to eat better. With that, a lot of people already use these fitness recipe platforms. More than that, a place to see your results and hit your weight goals. Some apps also offer exercises for the user. In this article we will bring some fitness recipe app tips. So, with the aim of showing how this works, and also, showing some of the other functions.

Fitness Recipes Application — Tecnonutri

The fitness recipe app, Tecnonutri, has recipes and diet programs to improve the user's diet. All this according to your goal. Thus, respecting your limits. In addition, the app has a water consumption meter, so the user also pays close attention to hydration.

Along with eating, the app brings different types of exercises and meditations to help with the process. Social is also important, therefore, in the application itself, several users exchange experiences in the community. Finally, those who want to improve their results have a calorie meter and other nutrients at their disposal. Thus, the process can become much more balanced.

To download the fitness recipes app is free, in addition, it is available for Android and IOS. However, some functions of Tecnonutri are paid, that is, those who really want to focus will use all of them. Anyway, the PRO account can be made by annual or quarterly subscription. With this, the user can earn a lot to achieve their goals.

Fitness Recipes App — free benefits

Just by downloading Tecnonutri, the user can start using the free functions. You will be asked some questions about weight, age, height and what your goals are in the app. From there you can enjoy the free tips. The main tool is the diary, as it stores all the information about your daily life. According to the information that the user provides to the system.


Already within the daily function, there is the fasting schedule. That is, the digital nutritionist herself will create a fast in a healthy way. Respecting your body and your goals. To access the report, simply answer a short form in the app, and you will have the schedule and tips for fasting.

In addition, the app offers samples of free weight loss programs. Then, the person can carry out a basic schedule to try to lose weight. To use other tools, only by paying for special plans.

Pro account

The PRO plan can be purchased for an annual subscription + free consultation, which costs R$ 239.88, or the simple plan costs R$ 119.88. However, paying the annual fee, the user can have a 50% discount in relation to the quarterly fee. Thus, the person is free to choose the account that best suits their conditions.

As a Pro, all slimming recipes and projects are ready to use. In addition, all training and meditation plans are also free. In the social part, the PRO account releases chats and groups for project participants to interact with each other. With this, seeking integration and better results among its users.

Furthermore, the main function of Tecnonutri can be used. Which are direct chats with experts and nutritionists, so the process is much safer. Well, the process will be monitored by professionals in the field.

Application Tips Fitness Recipes

Final considerations

Applications are increasingly useful in many people's lives. As in this case, it offers different recipes and slimming experiences through the Tecnonutri software. As well as other apps that help with fitness. Thus, facilitating access to information and tips on health. Also, counting on some free services for everyone to try.

To stay informed about apps that help make your daily life healthier, access the “applications” area of the website. Also browse other sections and discover our tips.