Digital SUS Card Application


Make your life easier, using the digital SUS card, directly on your cell phone screen. Learn how to download the digital SUS card app, and have the complete document, always at hand. Learn more about the app and check out more details.

With Conect SUS you can access your digital SUS card very simply and quickly. The mobile application is completely free and promises to make your day to day even easier.

In this way, you can manage various activities related to the digital SUS card, with just a few clicks on your cell phone screen. Stay tuned and learn more about it, until the end of the text.

Health Unic System

First of all, you need to better understand how the Unified Health System in Brazil works. It is one of the most complex and largest systems in terms of public health in the world.

SUS guarantees full and free access, from the primary care of patients, as is the case of a routine consultation. Even the national system of organ transplants.

That is, thanks to the Unified Health System, all Brazilians have full access to free medical care. This Brazilian public health system is universal and should be offered to all, without exceptions.


Digital SUS card – Learn more

The digital SUS card application is Conect SUS. The Ministry of Health was responsible for making this app official, exclusively for users of the system. Among other functions, the app allows:

Perhaps Conect SUS can be known as one of the best applications for controlling the basic care system in Brazil. This is because with it, it is possible to verify data from all users in a very agile and secure way.

Not least, another advantage of using the digital SUS card application is the ease of not having to carry that paperwork anymore. Simply put, you have everything on your cell phone screen whenever you need it.

How to make digital SUS card

First, you need to download the app on your mobile device. At the end of the text, we will leave a link for easy and quick access to the app store. After that, wait until the download is complete.

Soon after, the app icon will appear on the phone's display. Just click once to open the app. When opening, you must inform some personal data for the first access. If you are not registered, don't worry!

Click on create your account to inform the data, and obtain the details of the first access. It is worth noting that the data provided is secure and will only be used to access the application.

Almost there!

After all the previous steps have been properly completed, you will have access to the application on your cell phone. A tip is to choose to save the login and access password. That way, you won't have to perform the same step when accessing the application again.

A confirmation message should appear when registering. It is related to the terms of use, required by the application. By accepting the terms, you allow the application to access your data and information.

Once that's done, click on the profile to add a photo to it. Another important thing at this stage is to fill in the fields with personal data such as date of birth, address, telephone number, among others.

digital SUS card

Now that the application is ready to use, you may need to provide a few more details. This step is very easy, because the application's interface will help you fill in everything necessary.

Using the app features, you can access the digital SUS card whenever you need it. In addition, it is possible to view the QRCode of the card, which further speeds up the service.

Another important detail is the possibility of importing data from the digital SUS card. Using this tool you save the card and can still share the file as you wish.

Download the app right now

Now that you know more about the digital SUS card, how about staying up to date with all the other services offered by the Federal Government?

To download the digital SUS card, using the step-by-step instructions provided above, start your search and go directly to your cell phone's app store, quickly and safely.

Click install app to start the download process as we told you before. After downloading the app, just perform the steps we teach. Don't waste any more time and use technology to your advantage!