Clash Royale - Electrifying competitions on mobile


A game that is not difficult to learn to play, but that requires strategies on your part to beat your opponents. This is Clash Royale.

A very fun game where you have to defend yourself in the best way and also attack your enemies!

I'm talking nothing less than the game Clash Royale.

This app makes you think a little to protect yourself in the best way and of course, to achieve victory.

Tenho certeza de que você está curioso para saber mais sobre o Clash Royale… Então é só continuar lendo! 

What is Clash Royale game?

Clash Royale is an online mobile strategy game that was developed by Supercell. Its launch took place on January 4, 2016.


It is a free game, but it has some items that can be purchased with real money. It is available for Android and iOS phones.

Clash Royale is a very popular game. With it, fun is guaranteed, but, in addition, to play you need to have strategies to win.

How does it work?

Clash Royale is a card game that requires the player to create a strategy to win battles.

You must protect yourself from enemy troops and at the same time try to attack them, destroying your opponents' towers.

The first troop that manages to destroy the enemy's base wins the game.

In Clash Royale there are Arenas which are the battlefields. They function as a link system.

The higher the Arena is, the higher the levels of the players inside it.

To go up in level, you must win battles and earn trophies. With each change that happens, new cards are unlocked and more rewards are given.

To unlock rewards you must unlock chests, collect new and powerful cards to improve the ones that already exist.

To defeat your opponents, assemble the best battle deck! And form clans to share cards and build your own community.  

You can create private duels by challenging your clan friends.

With Clash Royale you can do many things! As I said, fun is guaranteed.

As you play, you'll learn more about the game, and soon you'll be proficient!

Some tips for playing Clash Royale

Position your troops correctly

If you position your troops the wrong way, it will be easier for you to lose to enemy troops.

A good idea is to lure enemy troops to the center so you can surround your opponents.

It's also good if you don't let your men close to each other. If they were far apart, they won't be hit at the same time.

distract your opponent

It's always good to distract your opponents to distract your turrets. Good cards to do this are Bomb Tower or Cannon.

Launching these cards the enemy troop will be distracted trying to fight them and this will increase your chances of winning.

Join a clan

A good strategy is to join a clan. Counting on the help of other players helps you earn more cards.

If you are a player who shares cards with other players you level up your gold and experience in the game.

These are some tips for you who want to start playing Clash Royale, as you play you will learn a lot more.

Final considerations

If you made it this far, I'm sure you enjoyed Clash Royale!

What are you waiting for to install it on your cell phone?

Hurry to download it and start having fun with your troops and clans!

Don't forget to share this post with your friends and tell us which app you want us to bring to the site.

Hope this helps.