Technical course in nursing at Senac – See how to apply


Have you ever thought about changing professions and migrating to the health area through the technical course in nursing at Senac? If so, this is an excellent chance for you who are planning to enter a branch that is growing every day and has been helping thousands of young people in Brazil to enter the professional market.

Every Brazilian citizen has ever needed a nursing technician, and if he hasn't needed one someday, be it for an emergency, application of vaccines, medical assistance, anyway. In this way, it is very clear and evident how much this professional is of extreme relevance to all of us.

In this topic we will talk about the technical course in nursing offered by Senac. Here you will find out everything you need to register, how this career works, the most relevant points you should understand before choosing this profession for your life. Also, learn more about SENAC.

Who is the SENAC school?

Preliminarily, before talking about the Senac school, it is important to emphasize how important the importance of having a course like this is in life, whether young or adult who are already or intend to enter the professional market, or if they have decided to change their field of activity. .

The SENAC school has been on the market for a long time, including in the area of technical training for young people and adults in Brazil. Through this school, students develop all the necessary skills and abilities to work in the area in which the student chose to work.

SENAC has more than 10 areas for professionalization in its facilities, and even offers a language course. For this reason, this school already has its name well established in the market, which makes it very popular, and every year many students.


What are the benefits offered by SENAC?

Currently, the SENAC school has an excellent structure, and is able to serve students who prefer face-to-face courses, and also has the possibility of taking distance learning courses, that is, distance learning, where students who are better organized to be able to study and learn.

Many people do not know, but SENAC still offers several completely free courses for low-income people, and these courses are offered through the “Senac Gratuidade” program, however, there are some requirements that must be evaluated to join it.

Another very important point that differentiates SENAC from other schools is the number of courses in various modalities and activities, and even has some types of short courses, such as in the area of aesthetics, where you can choose to specialize in makeup. , manicurist, hairdresser and others.

How to be part of the SENAC Nursing Technical Course?

In 2020, a survey was carried out that resulted in nursing as the job that has been increasing the most, with an average of 700% in demand. All of this just at the end of 2020, a surprising one. Find out below how to be part of the technical nursing course:

The nursing technician is in great demand, since this area has several ways of working, so they will not compete for job opportunities in just one area of health.

In the year 2020, the nursing technician benefited from an increase equivalent to 23% work portfolio, which shows the importance of this professional in the market, for being on the front line of health care for the population on a daily basis.

Discover the technical nursing course

Unlike the other courses that SENAC offers, the nursing course itself is only available in person, that is, anyone who wants to register for the technical nursing course will need to look for the nearest SENAC unit to enroll and carry out the course. of the course.

The student of the technical nursing course of the year 2022 will learn during the course, lasting 2 years, a good theoretical basis and the practice of this profession, and this knowledge will be achieved through classes taught in laboratories and in internships. offered by SENAC itself to its students.

This course totals 1800 class hours, and has as its primary objective the training of professionals who will be able to guide and assist with any and all needs of a patient, whether in emergent cases or prevention, among others.

How is the job market for nursing technicians?

Anyway, it is very important that students dedicate themselves, whether in any area of their choice, health, exact sciences, humanities and others. Therefore, the tip for you now is: Don't miss the chance to extract all the knowledge and information possible during your course, and that way you will become a good professional, able and experienced to work.

Know that all dedication and effort will be rewarded and you will get where you want and get the job you always wanted and with it conquer dreams, be it a trip or a new experience.

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