Social Tariff - Find out how to get a discount on your energy bill.


If you don't already know, the Social Tariff is a benefit that came to grant some discounts on the electricity bill. And this discount can vary depending on the level of electricity consumption of the residence. If it is 30kWh, the discount will be 65%, for example.

In cases where energy consumption ranges from 31 to 100 kWh, the discount level from the local utility's social tariff in your account may come from 40%, and if it fluctuates between 101 and 220 kWh, the discount will be 10%. And, above all, consumption above 220 KWh will not benefit.

Those who receive or live with those who receive the BPC will have access to the benefit, or are even enrolled in the Single Registry of the Federal Government, and have a family income of up to half a minimum wage per person or have a monthly income of up to three wages with a person who needs continuous use of equipment for medical treatment.

Who will be entitled to request the Social Tariff?

In addition to the item related to the level of consumption, to guarantee the right to benefit from the Social Tariff, the family must be registered in the Single Registry and have an income of up to half a minimum wage.

In addition, you can benefit if a person in your family is elderly aged 65 years or people with disabilities and who make use of the Benefit of Continuous Provision of Social Assistance.

And finally, those who are enrolled in the Single Registry and have an income of up to 3 minimum wages and have at home someone with a disease or some type of disability, whose treatment requires the continuous use of appliances and equipment that need electricity.


Stay in the loop and request your Social Rate

Since January 2022, it has been the duty of the local distributor to automatically register families that benefit from the Social Tariff. Even from March 31, 2022, in cases of delay in granting the benefit.

Several families will have to be compensated by the local distributor with double the value that should be deducted from those who have the right, but who could not take advantage of it due to the concession's delay in carrying out the registration.

We are talking about nothing more than a benefit that ensures some discounts on the electricity bill for those who are included in the low-income class. In addition, this same group is also exempt from paying CDE and PROINFA.

Consumption range and discount

The benefit of the Social Tariff, which appeared in 2022, which aims to offer residential and low-income electricity consumers, has helped people on a large scale, and through it it is imaginable to have discounts on the account ranging from 10% to 100%:

It is worth remembering that the lower the energy consumption, the greater the discount. And to be a benefit holder, you must have consumed energy up to 220 kWh per month and comply with the aforementioned requirements.

To average your consumption level, consult your previous invoices. If you are or have someone with a disease or disability in your home, you will need the NIS or CadÚnico Family Code.

How to request the Social Rate?

If you or your family meet the requirements set out to be entitled to the benefit of the Social Tariff and do not have a registration with the local distributor, ask the company for the classification of the low-income residence.

You will need to provide some data, such as name, identity, CPF, and code of the unit in which you consume to receive the benefit, this number is on your own electricity bill.

In addition to these, you will need your social identification number, or the Family Code in the Single Registration or the Benefit Number, in case of receiving the benefit of continuous provision.

Ask now for your benefit to which you are entitled

As said, the distributor is responsible for consulting the CadÚnico or the Continued Provision Register to assess and verify the data provided, since the last registration update must have taken place on average 2 years ago.

It is possible to obtain more information from the local electricity distributor or from ANEEL, by calling 167. To stay up to date with other everyday matters, see tips on our blog, clicking here.

And for more information on how to register with the Cadastro Único, search for your local city hall or access the official page of the Public Ministry of Citizenship.