Social rent — See which cities pay this benefit


Knowing benefits such as social rent can take people out of the street. In recent years Brazil has been going through a critical moment in the economic area. This has the effect of increasing the prices of various products and services. In this way, many people are going through situations that need the help of the State. Therefore, there are so many aids with the aim of providing the basics to the most needy population.

Low-income families are the most affected by crises and neglect in society. Well, the country is very socially unequal, that is, some have a lot and others have nothing. Thus, the housing issue could not be different. Therefore, it is a deficit greater than 5.6 million homes. In addition to several other difficulties faced, such as precarious houses, small spaces for many people and many others.

Having access to these social benefits save many people in the most different situations. For example, Auxílio Brasil, Carteira do Idoso, Bolsa Verde, among others. For all cases there may be a program that gives access to basic rights. Therefore, it is necessary that the one who is entitled to receive some of them. Pay attention to the rules!

Learn about the Social Rent benefit  

Social rent is a benefit that pays an amount of money equal to the rent value. However, it is not definitive support, thus having a limited period, which depends on the situation. Serving for various situations that may hinder the use of decent housing by the population. With this, seeking to provide residential stability, in addition to preventing more people from staying on the streets.

In general, the rules for the program may change for each region. So, some cities may have greater or lesser benefits, as well as different requirements than others. Therefore, it is necessary to be up to date with the situation in your city. However, even though it is not at the federal level, the aid already helps and has helped a lot of people. So it can be a good one for anyone who is really going through a tight situation.

Knowing that it is an important measure for families who want adequate housing, it is essential that some doubts are cleared. For this, the citizen can turn to city halls and state governments, as long as he is the owner of the project. Well, in many states only a few cities participate, or only the municipalities adhere.


Social Rental — Find out who can receive it and other information

As said before, all benefit situations depend on who is offering. Well, the program has not yet become federal, that is, not everyone can receive it. However, in any case, some states and municipalities have already joined, and citizens can take advantage of this and try to join the process. Anyway, the best thing to do is to look for a service route in your city and ask the question.

In the vast majority, offers of money for rent are between R$ 350 and R$ 600. In addition, they mainly seek to help low-income families who find themselves in a situation of precarious housing. Thus, if the citizen fits, he himself can apply for the use of the benefit, or else, someone who knows someone in a similar situation.

In any case, even if there is no unit of social rent, it is generally not so different. However, there may be rules that limit or open spaces for other categories. In this way, it can benefit university students, victims of domestic violence, among other cases. Therefore, it is essential to look for which situations can be met in each region.

See the states that pay the aid

Remembering that not all cities have social rent. Just like others, even in different states, offer their own version of the benefit. In addition, abnormal situations such as major disasters may arise. For example, cases of flooding in urban areas.

Other types of social programs

Final considerations

Social rent can be extremely important for thousands of Brazilian families. Because, as seen, it can help with amounts that help with expenses with a new rental house. So, it is necessary to deliver data on how the process works.

To learn about other benefits that can help in different ways, visit the “benefits” section of the website.