Single registration — Learn how to register with the application


To participate in government social programs, it is necessary to enroll in the Single Registry. The social benefits, as many people know, are very important for a large part of the Brazilian people, however, there is little information and facilities to participate.

Many people experience some problems when using these rights, such as, for example, queues. However, Government apps intend to facilitate access. In the case of the Cadastro Único, registration can be done through an app, so people can count on this convenience.

In addition, there are so many programs that doubts about how to apply become common. Therefore, to clarify some doubts, in this article we have gathered information that can help the citizen to carry out the step by step to register.

How to enroll in the Cadastro Único through the application?

Through the application, it is possible to pre-register for CadÚnico, however, it is an optional way to speed up service. From there, the citizen will need to go to the CRAS or a nearest Single Registry office, and finish. Thus, the citizen will have up to 120 days to present the mandatory and complementary identification documents, and then prove the situation.

To access the application, citizens must download it through their cell phone's digital store. In addition to initiating the registration, the user has other functions, such as issuing the registration receipt, consulting who the family members are and what NIS of the members will be required, consulting the benefits that the family receives, seeing whether the registration is up to date or not, and update registration.

Find out how to finalize the Single Registration registration

To register the family, the citizen who will finalize the process must be 16 years old or older, however, it is indicated that she is a head of the family, that is, a woman. It is necessary to take identity documents of each person in the family, that is, RG, CPF, Birth or Marriage Certificate.


Already in the service, the person responsible for the family will undergo an interview with a social worker. The interview seeks to know information, that is, the real situation of the family. The filling can be done online or not, however, in all situations the person who is registering must sign the form.

Finally, the system will check if anyone in the family has an NIS number, so the system will automatically only generate data for those who do not. Within 48 hours, the family that does not have a NIS will receive the number. The purpose of this is to ensure that there are no duplicates.

Other questions about the registration status can be removed from the Cadastro Único application itself. It is worth remembering that enrollment in CadÚnico does not guarantee a vacancy and social programs, it only facilitates the entry of those who fit the terms of each program.

the single register

CadÚnico was created to gather information about families in the country, so that all necessary data is available to governments. In general, the family can register through the CRAS or through agents who visit low-income families.

The data can be used for Federal, State and City government programs. To enroll, you must meet certain requirements.

People who live alone, that is, who constitute the so-called single-person families

Whoever signs up manages to skip some of the bureaucracy involved in accessing social benefits. The main benefits are linked to the Cadastro Único, for example, the Bolsa Brasil program, which is the main benefit of the current Government.

Other Government Applications

The Federal Government has other apps that seek to help citizens, thus speeding up processes. Thus, the person avoids waiting in queues. It's the way citizens can access digital public services, so users can access public portals directly from their cell phones. ENEM, work card, INSS and many other services. Everything to guarantee the greatest security in the verification process of the user's public data.

Carteira Digital de Trânsito: App that quickly guarantees access to your CNH, so any cell phone with an internet connection can consult the document. The user avoids losing the physical CNH by chance and has an official document in hand.

Connect Sus: Available for Android and IOS, the app aims to bring citizens closer to the Unified Health System. Thus, the user stays in the know about vaccination history, possible exams, medications offered by the SUS.

See the final considerations on the topic

This article showed the process for registering in the Cadastro Único app, but it is still a slow system. Users still need to go to in-person offices. The Federal Government has other websites and apps that aim to make citizens' lives easier. For more information about social programs, access the benefits area of the website or access the applications section and learn more about the technologies.