Reigns - Be the king and see what happens


Reigns is an Android iPhone game set in medieval times where, quite simply, you have to be the king or queen.

At first this mission seems to be very simple, but soon when you start playing Reigns you will realize how complex it all can be.

Among the different decisions you have to make, the game will guide you to different paths and you must prevent the 3 powers from gaining space in your Kingdom.

Everything needs to be in line with what you want but at the same time you can't leave the people in their hands.

All this and much more is what you'll find in Reigns and today we're going to tell you everything you need to know about this game.

What I need to know about Reigns

Reigns is a decision game where you have to take different routes every time you decide something.


That way, within the game you have to keep everything in order while people come to talk to you and you have to complete missions.

As you are the king you will have different situations that will be presented through cards and you will need to move to the right or to the left where the decisions will be different.

This game is very reminiscent of Tinder because its dynamics are very similar to dragging you to one side or the other depending on the decision you want to make.

The king's job in this case is to maintain order and choose whatever is most attractive to you and your subjects.

There are 4 powers that will change your level of trust in the king according to different decisions.

These 4 powers are right on top of the screen and they are: the church, the people, the army and money.

If you give too much power to some of them they might overthrow you or if any of them lose too much power an uprising could happen.

Starting the first match

As soon as you start the game you will receive the name of the respective king that you will play, every time you die in the game you will change king.

There is also a game for you to rule with a queen, but it's not Reigns, it's another game from the same franchise.

Therefore, after you start, some questions asked by the former king will appear and then you will really start the game.

People from your realm will appear asking various types of questions or bringing you information.

So these cards will range from we need a school to educate the children to some witches are meowing and spreading poison across the Kingdom.

All of this and much more you can find in Reigns in addition to other Power UPS that can appear during the game.

For example you can find an edible blue mushroom and the result of eating it can be to become immortal or to die faster.

So you're going to come across a great sense of humor and that's one of the coolest parts of the whole game.

Managing Kingdom Resources in Reigns

As has been said you will need to learn to manage your resources, so you will always have 2 decision options to make.

Every decision you make will have a consequence for some of the powers already mentioned and this can be for good or not.

For example, an option may appear for you to authorize witches in town. This will make you gain points with the population, but lose a lot of points with the church.

You can also choose to build a school for commoners, as a result you will lose money but gain points with the church and the population.

That's how you'll go day after day making decisions and losing or gaining points according to your choices.

The coolest thing about all of this is that you never know what's going to happen. Now you can have a lot of resources, but in the next decision you can lose everything.

That's what makes the game even more challenging than it already is.

Curiosities and final considerations

An interesting factor of Reigns is that death is part of the game and unlike other games this is normal.

It is worth remembering that we are talking about a human king, one hour or another he will age and die, needing to leave the reign to someone else.

So you will end up dying a few times in the game until you get the hang of how to balance all your Kingdom's powers and resources.

Over time you will also understand how to predict events – even though this can be very difficult.

however, not everything is rosy and the game has a very big flaw which is the lack of story.

And I'm not talking about real world history here, but there is no history of your previous kings what will happen in the next kings.

So if the previous king built a school, the next king won't have the school built because you'll start from scratch.

Even so, the game is very interesting and you will surely spend long hours playing it.