What song is this? Discover the App


Quem nunca se perguntou “que música é essa?” em um local que começou a tocar uma música super legal que ainda não conhecia e deu aquela vontade imediata de descobrir o nome dela?

With the application that will be presented to you now, it will be possible to recognize ambient music wherever you are, just download it, press the main button and that's it, everything you need to know will appear.

It's very simple and fast, even lay people have full capacity to handle it since its interface is totally interactive and self-explanatory. Stay tuned for more information below.

Some of the numerous functions found in the app that recognize songs

The application that recognizes ambient music is like magic, and is approved every day by its users, since there is practicality and efficiency in its search, see the reasons why you will love to have it in your hands:

– Será possível encontrar nome de todas as músicas com apenas um clique, em questão de segundos;

– Além de ouvir, inclua playlists em seu Apple Music;


– Terá acesso a letra da música que você reconheceu;

– Além disso, possui a opção de assistir os clips das respectivas músicas do Apple Music ou até mesmo do YouTube;

– E finalmente, surgiu a novidade em que você poderá ativar o modo Escuro no app.

After learning about this facility in the way of recognizing music, don't keep asking yourself “what song is this?”. Grab your phone, open the app, click the main button and you're done.

There are no mysteries, all the music you want can be recognized through this platform, designed and developed to be your final destination as a music recognizer.

Use the application “what song is this?” wherever you are and at any time

The application can be used to identify all the songs and in any application, be it Instagram, YouTube, or even Tik Tok, it's a must-have, and you won't be without it anymore.

And when there is no internet connection, don't worry, this won't be a problem, because the application works even when you are offline, just do the same procedure.

And if you still want to keep finding songs when you need to leave the app's interface, activate the app's “auto” mode and get the results the same way.

Know about other functions that the application can provide you?

You know what might be even more interesting? Discover the songs that are trending in your country, city and region, in the “tops” tab of the “what song is this?” application.

In addition, there you can access the recommended playlists, just click and stay on top of the news. Open all kinds of music directly from Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube Music.

Did you like the music? Share with whoever you want through your favorite platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter and others. Availability of features may vary by country.

What's new about the app

The team on this app is always moving to make it faster and better than ever before. Don't forget: Always be up to date with the app to enjoy the best version.

It's important not to forget to keep your app secure and synchronized with your devices at all times. Just create an account and they'll make a safe backup for you, so you never lose them again.

It's an excellent app, which has the ability to recognize any type of music by pressing just one button, safely and accurately. It will even show a snippet of the song for you to check if it's what you're looking for.

Considerations regardingO app “que música é essa?”

It's the ideal app for anyone who loves music, and that's why you should download it. It will be with you in moments of doubt in the name of countless songs, after which you will be able to remain calm and enjoy your songs.

In the application “what song is this?” it is possible to access the musical lyrics, which is great. Easily detect any music that is doing analysis. With the cell phone off or outside the coverage area.

It's simply amazing, you can be anywhere, even if there's a lot of noise and excessive noise, it has the ability to recognize the music and guess what the exact track is and other information.

Baixe o aplicativo Shazam e descubra “que música é essa”

Não sofra mais com a agonia que é de descobrir qual música está tocando, o aplicativo Shazam veio para ser o seu destino final nesse aspecto.  Tudo mutio simples rápido e prático.

 E o melhor, ele é 100% gratuito e não possui nenhum anúncio quando sua música é encontrada. Clique aqui e baixe já. Para ficar por dentro de mais dicas de aplicativos acompanhe nosso blog e mergulhe nessa diversão.

You won't regret it, be part of the team that most approves of this application, which shortens your path, and even makes your moment happier. Discover music and add it to your favorite playlist.