Plant Care App


For those who like green environments, having a plant care App is essential to take good care of them. Many people who have vegetable gardens or types of green areas at home end up forgetting to water at one time or another. However, poor water management can cause plants to dry out and die.

Many people use automated sprinklers that will turn on at the right time, however, others cannot have this technology. Therefore, some apps were developed to create a schedule for watering the plants. These apps work with reminders and right times to give your little friend water.

In this context, this article brings some options that can help you choose a good app to take care of your garden. Also count on some curiosities and tips to improve your skills in caring for them.

The importance of plants

In nature, plants directly influence the production of oxygen, fruits and the like. In addition, they can serve as decoration or production, however, experience is needed to manage them. Therefore, knowing how to deal with the nature of plants is very important.

Plant care app — Water me!

The Water me application is a simple platform with a clear objective, it is a plant care application that manages plant care schedules. However, it is still a little-known service, with just over 5,000 downloads. Even if it is not so used, the app does what it promises.

The only and simple function is to add your plants and it will manage the times and days that it will be watered. Therefore, the app's most important tool is the reminders of when the person needs to go and water them. To do this, register all your green friends in the app and don't let them dry up!


So, the application works in just three steps, register the plant, receive notifications of when to water and mark it as a task performed in the app. In this way, the user will have a good tool directly on the cell phone, thus not letting the plants dry out. To download the app is free through some virtual app store.

Plant care app — Learn how it works

Water works like a care diary for me. Very similar to apps to help you drink water. In fact, it is a system of this type, however, it is only aimed at plants. Therefore, to start using it, just follow simple steps.

When opening the app, it will be necessary to register for each plant that the user has. For this, it is necessary to take a picture and give information about it. Soon, those who use it will be able to put the name of the plant species, and the schedule they want to follow for watering.

Facts about plants

Some plants do not need daily water. Yeah, excess water and moisture can suffocate them. Therefore, it is important to always check the conditions of the land around it, as well as what the weather is like that day. Therefore, if the day is very hot and dry, it is necessary to water it, also depending on the species.

So, like checking the conditions of the day, the time is also important. The green ones reserve the sunniest time to open the pores and breathe. Therefore, the most common times to water are early morning or late afternoon. Complying with this schedule is essential, as watering at the wrong times can contribute to the leaves withering.

Another important situation is the interaction with insects. Not all insects harm plants, for example bees, spiders, earthworms. All these help in the development, however, there are also those that harm the little plant. Therefore, the owner should be aware of the type of animal that is around his friend.

Other plant apps

Final considerations

Finally, this article presents some apps for plant care and how they can help in everyday life. It's always good to remember that the plant is also a living being, so it needs care and attention. Therefore, technology plays an important role in bringing users closer to basic information about care.