Plague Inc. - Save humanity in the game


Faced with this pandemic and quarantine scenario we live in, going to the world of games is a good option, get to know Plague Inc..

We must not forget about the real world and its problems, but we can distract ourselves a little.

In the game Plague Inc. you can do it! We still haven't managed to end the Covid-19 pandemic, unfortunately.

But in Plague Inc. you can end pandemics and end humanity… (if you can).

It sounds strange, but I'm sure you'll like this game. Keep reading to find out more!

What is the Plague Inc. game?

Plague Inc. is a real-time strategy simulation game. He was created and released by Ndemic Creations.


It was released on May 26, 2012 and is available for computers and mobile phones.

Plague Inc. is the game from the movie “Planet of the Apes: The Showdown!”. In it you have a variety of mission options to accomplish!

Plague Inc. it was always successful, but in 2020 it broke due to the pandemic. Because the scenario of the game reminds us of what we are living.

Initially the game was only focused on creating pandemic situations and how fast you could wipe out humanity.

But as a result of the pandemic we are currently facing, there is an update called “the cure”.

In this game mode, you can try to fight a pandemic caused by different microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, prions, etc.

What is the purpose of Plague Inc.?

The objective of the video game Plague Inc. is to exterminate humanity. To do this, the player needs to create a pathogen – a virus, a fungus, or a bacteria.

This pathogen evolves and creates characteristics such as symptoms to try to infect and kill all of humanity before a cure is discovered.

Now the game has developed a new version of the game, called The Cure. In this new version the player has to save the world from a pandemic.

The player will have to control governments and institutions around the world. He will also have to improve countries' health systems.

He has the option of establishing quarantines and other social isolation measures. All this to be able to fight the disease.

The idea for this new mode in the game came from the players themselves, as the game broke records during the pandemic. There were too many active users at the same time.

Some magazines published about Plague Inc., stating that the game teaches people in a good way about viral infections.

But remember, the game does not show the scenario of a real epidemic or pandemic, it is just a game with challenges to have fun and try to win.

Final considerations

I particularly love games like this. I forget a little about the problems and much better, I can do whatever I want!

Imagine being able to create a disease to infect all of humanity or being able to end a pandemic?

Don't worry about the size of the game as it will only use about 80MB of your internal memory.

At first it seems like a lot, but when compared to games that use 600 or even 2 GB of memory, it turns out to be light.

If you also like games like this, hurry up and download Plague Inc. and go adventuring!

Don't forget to share this post with your friends and tell us which app you want us to bring to the site.

Hope this helps.