Online Therapy – App to Take Care of the Mind


There are many ways to take care of the mind, online therapy is one of them. Contrary to common sense, therapy is not just for people who are experiencing emotional issues. In fact, anyone can do therapy, and it helps to better understand many aspects of life. In addition, therapy helps maintain balance.

In everyday life, people are often faced with moments of stress, whether at work, within the family, or among friends. In this case, taking care of the mind is essential to get through these difficult times. According to the WHO, almost 10% of the world's population has a mental illness, in Brazil alone there are 18 million people with a problem of this type.

But despite the recurrence, many people avoid seeking professional help through therapy. The reasons for seeking a psychologist are many, including fear or shame, as well as the lack of time to go to an office. The good news is that a growing trend is online therapy. Those who still don't know how this method works can ask questions in this article.

Online therapy – What is it, and main advantages

Taking care of mental health can prevent future illnesses, such as anxiety and depression. These diseases are increasingly common around the world, so taking care of yourself is essential. However, many people find it difficult to seek professional help to deal with their emotions, and their fears. In addition, many people are ashamed to enter a psychological office.

Shyness occurs because asking for help for many people is synonymous with weakness, but therapy helps make people stronger. During the months of isolation from the pandemic, many digital solutions emerged to make people's lives easier. Among them, online therapy, which is nothing more than a consultation with a psychologist, but through a video call platform.

Even after the resumption of in-person activities, many people still prefer online, for several reasons. In the first place, there is practicality, after all, people save travel time and can receive their service completely online. In addition, online alternatives often have more affordable costs. In this sense, technology can transform the lives of many people in a positive way. Online therapy must be done by a professional, as only psychologists are instructed to guide a session.


Another great advantage of choosing this method is also the freedom to choose the psychologist you want, even if he lives in another city. Also, in sessions, the person receiving care will open up and talk about very intimate things. So being in the comfort of your own home can help with this process. Last but not least, it is worth mentioning that online therapy also allows the person to continue receiving care even when traveling.

Online therapy – App Vittude

Now that the reader already knows the advantages of opting for online therapy, it is worth highlighting an app that allows you to take care of your mind on your cell phone with the necessary professional help. We're talking about the Vittude app, a platform available on Google Play and the App Store that was developed by professionals to help people.

Em primeiro lugar vale dizer que o app Vittude é um ambiente seguro, sendo assim nenhuma informação sai do consultório virtual. Ou seja, somente o paciente e o psicólogo tem acesso a todos os dados das sessões. Neste ponto vale dizer também que as consultas não são gravadas, tampouco armazenadas. Além disso, o app também permite o acesso à consulta aonde o paciente estiver, lhe dando mais comodidade. As pessoas que possuem interesse em usar este recurso podem escolher o acesso pelo site, ou pelo app.

Right on the homepage, the person can define their mental disorder through a filter, that is, they can say if they are feeling anxious, if they have gone through some trauma, or things like that. It is then possible to define a price base so that the query is within the user's budget. After applying the search filters, the app will show the profile of all available professionals. In addition, the agenda of each one is also available.

If the person wants to know more about the professional, it is also possible to see the articles that each one of them has already published on the Vittude blog. Today, more than 3,500 psychologists work with Vittude, and the app is also present in over 30 countries. Undoubtedly, this resource arrived to democratize access to therapy. Finally, for whom companies Vittude has unique plans for brands to benefit their employees.

Other solutions to calm the mind

At times when it is necessary to relax the mind, people can look for alternatives, such as the following options.

Final considerations

Para saber mais acesse a seção “aplicativos”. Cuidar da mente é tão importante quanto cuidar do corpo. Para uma vida mais saudável as pessoas também devem buscar praticar exercícios físicos e manter uma alimentação saudável. Todas essas atitudes ajudam a fazer a pessoa se sentir em equilíbrio.