Netflix Free


Not everyone has the extra money to subscribe to streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon or Disney Plus, right? Or that you have time to consume the entire online catalog of the platforms. With that in mind, we've created a tutorial on how to watch content on Netflix for free.

Netflix free for Firefox

To be able to watch Netflix for free, you must first download the Firefox browser after downloading follow these steps:

  • Abra o navegador e baixe uma extensão que permite que alguns navegadores reconheçam cookies. Recomendamos  o uso de Exportar  Importar Cookies 
  • Após instalar a  extensão verifique se ela é bem-sucedida. Para isso acesse a barra de menus clicando com o botão direito do mouse na barra superior do navegador e marcando a opção Barra de menus;
  • Clique na opção Ferramentas e verifique se os dois últimos pontos são Exportar e Importar cookies. Se ambas as funções forem exibidas sua instalação foi em-sucedida caso contrário recomendamos que você reinicie o  computador e volte ao processo;
  • You must now download the necessary cookies to connect to Netflix. To do this click on the Netflix cookie and download one of the links. After downloading, go to the Netflix page and if you are connected, sign out;
  • Agora vá  em Ferramentas novamente e selecione a opção importar cookies e selecione o arquivo que você baixou anteriormente;
  • Then the following message will appear: XXXX cookies inserted click OK;
  • Finally, just click on the text that is basically Netflix to refresh the page and you will see that you are already on someone's account.

 Once you have access to it you will be able to select the movie you want and the movie you want to watch, however if you close the page you will have to go through the whole process again the same will apply if you turn off your computer or restart it . If the first cookie file you downloaded doesn't work try others until you can log in.

This is because the servers recognize the connection of the same account from multiple IP addresses and create congestion for that user.

How to Watch Netflix Free for 1 Month

 Although, the best option for those who want to temporarily watch Netflix for free on their phone, computer or smart TV is to take advantage of the first free month that the site offers.

To subscribe to Netflix and enjoy the first month for free, following are the steps to subscribe to Netflix for free:


  • Visit the Netflix website;
  • Click on the icon to see a free month, then click on the icon to see our plans;
  • Also, select the desired plan and click on the icon to continue. Remember that all plans are free for the first month;
  • Enter an email address and password in the fields provided for your account to be created and click the continue icon;
  • Select the desired payment method. Even if you cancel your subscription after the first free month, you still need to provide a payment method;
  • After selecting the desired payment method, click on the start subscription icon.

When you complete your membership, simply return to the main Netflix page and log in with the email address and password you chose when registering.

 If you want to know how to watch Netflix for free on smart TV, subscribe for free for the first month. It's a great way to achieve your goal, after all, the free plan already includes all the benefits of the paid plan, so you can also use it via cell phone, tablet, computer or any other device that supports the Netflix application platform or that has access to a browser that can be used to access websites.