Microsoft Office - Get everything in one place


After getting us to use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint apps, Microsoft has upped the productivity game by bringing everything under one umbrella with the Office mobile app. Simply called 'Office', the app updates easily and gets you up and running in an instant. The umbrella contains Word, Excel, PowerPoint and many other functionalities for them

I love the simplicity and intuitive use of individual features. Given that most of our office life revolves around Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, packaging the three main utilities in one package makes the experience much more integrated. Both iOS users on iPhone or iPad and Android (get it from Google Play app store), can get the best of each of the tools.

Experience is key

Agreed that there are many individual applications that can perform similar functions to those packaged in the Microsoft Office application, but none of them match the ease of switching between each of the functions. Whether you're creating a new document or using a preloaded PowerPoint template, the ease with which you can view, edit documents and quickly turn document photos into document files – basically scanning text and images, is super fast.

Features like simple digital document signing, creating easily accessible lists, capturing documents for extracting text in an instant make it my go-to app. I love the fact that you can create a quick PowerPoint on the go. Anyone who has lived in an agency would have at some point experienced the horror of putting together a PowerPoint on the way to a meeting with a client because the creatives arrived late.

Been there, done that – so the ability to modify on your phone or tablet, rather than opening your laptop on the go and adding additional slides, is a comparatively easy ride. Features like audio dictation with speech recognition will come in handy, especially when you need to write a 1000-word research paper or write a book. Another area they could improve is the ability to switch between portrait and landscape mode.

Features such as Excel Cards View, Outline to PowerPoint, etc. are being refined, so head over to the Google Play Store to install the new Microsoft Office app on your Android device. Have a good time!


Navigating Microsoft Office for Android

The moment you install and launch the Microsoft Office application, you will notice how quickly it runs. The app launches in seconds, and tapping items changes the window almost immediately.

In addition to the app's small size, you'll also notice that it's intuitive. Finding your way is simple. On the home screen, you'll see all the previous documents you were working on, as well as a list of all the older files in your OneDrive account.

To start using Word, Excel or Powerpoint, simply tap the icon + at the bottom of the screen. This brings up three icons.

The folder icon in the upper-right corner of the home screen takes you to the Search window. This is where you can see files in your OneDrive account, Google Drive, or items stored locally on your mobile device. You can also see all documents that other users have shared with you or add a new cloud storage account that you want to use with Microsoft Office mobile.