App Learn Guitar Step by Step


With the help of Learn Guitar Step by Step, thousands of people are developing this skill much faster and more effectively. If you are a person who dreams of playing the guitar, but ends up losing interest due to initial difficulties, without a doubt, downloading this tool on your cell phone can be very useful. There are many advantages to starting to learn your first notes through a digital resource.

Firstly, online classes facilitate the first contact with the instrument. By learning the notes or new songs, the student will be able to put on real shows at family gatherings or with friends. O app to learn to play guitar it is becoming more and more popular among people who admire this instrument, as it is extremely didactic and intuitive. In addition, the student has access to a vast amount of content on how to handle the guitar.

Even with its growing popularity, many people still don't know the app to learn to play guitar. In this case, the person is missing the chance to learn their first chords without spending money on private lessons. Therefore, this article tells how to download this application, as well as lists important tips for those who are taking their first steps in this on the guitar.

Learn guitar step by stepabout the guitar

The guitar is a string instrument, which, in general, has 6 strings, however, there are guitars with up to 12 strings. Therefore, the variety is very large and before investing in this instrument it is good to know them. The string material can change, so the guitarist can choose between nylon or steel. Each type of guitar uses a category of strings, tuned to standard E, A, D, G, B, E.

Learn guitar step by step – Some types of guitar

App to learn guitar — SimplyGuitar

SimplyGuitar is an application for learning to play the guitar quickly and practically, and is available for Android and IOS. To download the application to learn to play the guitar, the user does not need to pay, as it is free. The software can help beginners start studying from scratch, however, the app can help guitarists who want to improve their techniques, thanks to the complete collection of classes available on the platform.

Thousands of teachers recommend SimplyGuitar, where the student can learn the first song in a few days, as long as he has the dedication to practice. Thus, it is a very good app for anyone who wants to start on the instrument. To help the student, the application to learn to play the guitar has several functions. With emphasis on the listening mode, where the user will touch the app and the system itself will evaluate or give tips to improve.


With a very simple interface, anyone won't have much difficulty using the application to learn to play the guitar, but it's time to watch the lessons and focus when it's time to practice. Among the app's main functions, the tuner, the lessons, the tablatures and the exercises also stand out in the system, so it's very complete. However, if the student wants to improve himself, he can also try the premium version of the platform, with exclusive features.

Application to learn to play the guitar — How to use it?

The user will open the app and go through some questions, for example, if you have the instrument, what type of guitar, and degree of experience, are some of the doubts. Soon after, the guitarist will register with email or other social networks, however, the user can skip this part.

With the registration done, the student will have some basic classes available, so the student will be able to access material that allows him to learn his first chords. But if you want to get even better, the app also offers paid classes, where prices range from R$ 37.08 to R$ 73.33, depending on how many months the user subscribes to.

The main advantage of this app is the possibility to test it for free, or just hire new classes if you want. Nowadays, many teaching apps have a free version, as is the case with SimplyGuitar, as they recognize that everyone should have access to learning new skills.

Other useful apps

Final considerations

In this article, some aspects of the guitar were covered, as well as tips for choosing your instrument. Whatever your age, there is still time to start playing music, however, to develop well it takes effort and dedication. Some apps help a lot in this process, be it SimplyGuitar, Yousician or Cifra Club.