Kitchen gas assistance - Find out more and become a beneficiary


It is possible that you have seen the amount of increases that kitchen gas has been suffering. And being a beneficiary of the Kitchen Gas Aid would be a great “hands on wheel”, since, for the Brazilian worker, who receives a minimum wage, and still has a variety of expenses to bear, the amount saved on gas is very valuable .

Unfortunately, the country has been going through a somewhat unpleasant situation, mainly because it has been struggling daily with the bills to pay, and family to take care of, after all, it is known that it is not a simple task, especially when an essential item for maintenance of the family has pricing at an all-time high.

After all, cooking gas is the means by which you produce your food, your lunchbox, your family's meals, anyway. Who survives without kitchen gas nowadays, right? Even knowing the existence of older methods, such as the wood stove, there is no one who gives up cooking gas for real desire. Learn now how to be a beneficiary of cooking gas aid.

Find out more about Cooking Gas Assistance

According to information from Caixa Econômica Federal, the program that provides aid for the purchase of cooking gas is exclusively intended for low-income families, considered needy families, who need to comply with the imposed criteria.

With the institution of this program, the government seeks to reduce the impacts caused by the high inflation of the product, cooking gas, which, unfortunately, reached almost 37% in 2021 and 38,47% in the current year, 2022, with forecasts of further future increases .

This project had already been approved the previous year, which made the first payment in December (2021), which is intended for the purchase of cooking gas, 13 kg. However, this amount will be debited together with the Auxílio Brasil benefit, with the respective amount being credited to the Caixa Tem account.


What will be the value of the Gas Aid?

The idea of the program that benefits thousands of citizens is to deposit the amount referring to the aid that is equivalent to 50% of the average value of a 13kg LPG cylinder every two months for families that have a CadÚnico registration.

However, the benefit will cover half the value of a cooking gas, calculated by the median value on the market, which has revolved around 110.00 to 130.00 reais today, with all the increases already applied.

The valuation of a cylinder can vary depending on the brands and resellers, as each company applies a value according to its reality and individual requirements, not being able to deviate from the average values.

Criteria to be a beneficiary

Every benefit is welcome, especially in the current situation we are living in. And in order to help you and bring you information and help you to get the benefit, pay attention to the criteria imposed to request the Cooking Gas Allowance:

When receiving the benefit, priority is given to families with women victims of domestic violence who are under the monitoring of urgent protective measures.

Families enrolled in CadÚnico, with monthly family income less than or equal to half the minimum wage per person, including families receiving benefits from government programs; Families that have someone living in the same house, who receives the benefit of continued provision of social assistance, whether or not enrolled in the CadÚnico.

How to query the benefit?

To consult the Kitchen Gas Aid, simply access the Caixa Tem application, through which all beneficiaries will consult the cash value of the benefit, payment dates and other information regarding the Gas Voucher.

In addition, it urges to record that families of women victims of domestic violence, and who are being monitored by the emergency protective measure system, will have priority in requesting and receiving assistance.

If you meet any of the requirements to be a beneficiary of the aid, make your request through the Caixa Tem app, or official website. And don't wait any longer, as amounts have already started to be deposited for citizens.

Count on this benefit for the monthly budget

Be one of the thousands of beneficiaries and count on this extra help in your monthly budget, especially in this delightful period, when all help is welcome.

Anyway, so as not to miss out due to forgetfulness or inattention, access this website now, you will be redirected to the app store platform, where you will download the cashier and promote your request.

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