Is it worth subscribing to reading clubs? - See the values


Do you want to know if it pays to subscribe to book clubs? This practice has become increasingly common throughout Brazil. In addition, they have special editions, exclusive gifts for their readers and authors recognized around the world, however, being part of reading clubs can be a more economical option for those who have the habit of constant reading.

However, this type of service goes beyond simple common books, the reading club has thousands of exclusive materials, perfect for collections, which makes your experience in the universe of reading even more interesting. In addition, the cost charged for shipping tends to fit in anyone's pocket.

However, if you still have doubts about the advantages of book subscription clubs, in this article we will clarify the most requested and best evaluated alternatives on the market today. See the values and institutions that provide this service in the blocks below.

See the benefits of signing up to be part of the book club and find out if it pays to sign up for book clubs

Have you ever thought about receiving amazing and exclusive books in the comfort of your home every month? If you are in the habit of reading frequently, this can seem like something from another world. Therefore, values are still factors that distance people from this access, which fortunately has been changing little by little over time.

Currently, book signing clubs can be equivalent to more or less a movie ticket for two people. When we analyze the cost-effectiveness of this service, which may make the proposal to acquire it even more attractive.

This service serves all types of audiences, from children to adults. In this article we will point you to 3 very famous alternatives in the reading subscription club market, including Leiturinha, Intrínsecos and TAG, and the price starts at R$ 39.90


Meet the Intrinsic club – Receive a box with exclusive editions of monthly books in your home  

The Intrínsecos reading club has an exclusive service that has been standing out among the others, since it has the most diverse releases that can be enjoyed by readers even before they are available for sale in bookstores in Brazil, 45 days in advance. .

Therefore, it is not by chance that the Intrínsecos club is one of the best book signing clubs, one of the most beloved in Brazil. They are exclusive and personalized editions, sent to subscribers in a box full of surprises, such as gifts, magazines, collection items, illustrations and much more.

This institution offers two alternative plans, including the standard one, worth R$ 59.90 per month, and the annual one, worth R$ 54.90. The freight price is standardized for all Brazilian regions, which costs R$ 10.00. Signing up is simple, you just need to access the official website and fill in all the data regarding the registration.

TAG club subscription – It has plans for all tastes and special treats

If you want an excellent reading subscription club with even better and attractive prices, the second recommendation goes to the TAG club, which offers much more than individual books. Subscribers receive a complete kit at home, which may be accompanied by the following items:

However, these items may vary according to the plan signed by the reader, which varies between TAG Unpublished and TAG Curadoria. The first alternative offers subscribers a list of best-sellers and great works in the world of literature, while the second offers a special selection.

However, if you are part of the team that loves popular stories and which are well evaluated by the readership, the TAG Inédito plan costs only R$ 46.90 per month. However, if you are interested in receiving works by renowned authors at your home, the TAG Curadoria plan is ideal for you, with a cost of R$ 55.90 per month.

Do you still have doubts if it pays to subscribe to reading clubs? Meet another awesome club

And last, not least, we couldn't forget to mention one of the best-known reading subscription clubs for children, the famous Leiturinha, which has affordable prices and its plans vary between Mini, Uni and Duni. The respective subscriptions can be made to receive 1 or 2 books monthly, starting at R$ 39.90.

In addition to containing stories for children, this subscription service offered by Leiturinha also has exclusive surprises for children, and discounts on other products is one of them, in addition to containing personalized materials and support for parents through the app. for cell phones.

Finally, encouraging reading, starting in childhood, helps to stimulate creativity and concentration, especially in the school education phase. In addition, there is nothing better than enjoying the moment with the children and reading a book as leisure.