Inclusion Aid - Find out how to be a beneficiary


Recently, the government announced the new rules and requirements of the Inclusion Aid, a benefit aimed at those beneficiaries who receive and enjoy the , in addition to succeeding in entering the formal job market.

The respective aid has the idea of encouraging these people to be independent, to look for a job and profession without losing the benefit. This program was regulated by Ordinance Dirben/INSS No. 949, of November 18, 2021.

The National Institute of Social Security contributes to this benefit, and the value of this inclusion aid is equivalent to half of a minimum wage for the year, that is, it corresponds to R$ 606.00.

Find out about the requirements for applying for Inclusion Aid

To be a beneficiary of the inclusion aid, you need to comply with some requirements, including entering the formal job market, that is, the citizen needs to be duly registered and with updated Cadúnico information.

Furthermore, in addition to having the data in the Single Registry up to date, for social programs of the Federal Government, it is necessary to have the Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF) duly regularized. In addition, it is necessary to fulfill the BPC maintenance criteria.

However, with regard to family income, it also needs to be duly informed on the form, although the value of professional remuneration is not computed together with the value of the Inclusion Allowance.


Benefit application through the mobile application

If you choose to apply for the Aid-Inclusion benefit through the application, you must proceed as follows: First, access the “Meu INSS” app, which is compatible with all devices, and then log in.

The login must be completed with your data next to "My INSS". Then press the option “New Order”. Later, add the information of which benefit you want to consult, and check the data.

After that, choose the “next” option. After carrying out the request procedure, you will follow the request through the application itself. However, the institute has a period of 30 working days to respond to the result of your request.

How to apply for Inclusion Assistance

The benefit of the inclusion aid can be requested from the 1st of October, through the service channels of the INSS institute, either through the “Meu INSS” app, official website, telephone channel or at physical public service agencies. See how to proceed to place the order:

  1. Proof of disability through medical report;
  2. The name cannot be negated;
  3. Proof of having been a beneficiary of the continuous benefit in the last five years (or having been suspended at that time);
  4. Must be a family member with an income of up to two minimum wages per person;
  5. Be registered with the General Social Security System or with the municipal/state social security system;
  6. Have paid professional activity;
  7. Be enrolled in the Single Registry of the Federal Government with recent data.

In short, registration with CadÚnico is required when requesting the benefit, regular registration with the CPF, you must comply with the CPF maintenance criteria and belong to a family with a monthly income of up to 2 minimum wages.

Therefore, as set out in the Brazilian Inclusion Law, only citizens with a moderate to severe disability, who have already entered the professional market and who have already been beneficiaries of the Continued Provision Benefit in the last 5 years, will be entitled to the Inclusion Allowance, even if only for a period.

Learn more and apply now for your benefit

The value of the benefit was set at 50% of the BPC value, that is, the inclusion aid benefit corresponds to half of the annual minimum wage. In 2021, the benefit was equivalent to R$ 550.00, since the minimum wage at the time was R$ 1,100.00.

However, the benefit was thought for those people who have a disability and who have already benefited from the BPC. It is a way of encouraging these citizens to enter the job market, which promotes the autonomy of these people.

It should also be noted that only those who for some period were entitled to the benefit of continued provision in the last 5 years will be entitled to the benefit. These citizens will have the benefit while they remain employed, as the amount will be debited from their salary.

Claim your benefit now

Finally, as explained, the inclusion aid was constituted so that people with a disability can fully exercise their citizenship. And the amount will be charged to these people added to the professional salary.

If you meet the criteria listed, download the app right now to request your benefit, or go to one of the INSS service stations, just don't miss the opportunity to guarantee your right.

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