How to plant lavender in a small pot


Have you ever thought about how to plant lavender in a small pot? Perhaps you had already imagined that it was something difficult or perhaps impossible, but after this article you will see that it is completely possible, and that you will have beautiful flowers grown by you.

Lavender is a well-known flower in Brazil and in the world, and has several species. However, it is a flower of extreme beauty, in addition to having a unique and striking aroma. However, it has a lot of use for perfumery purpose. The most famous is the purple one.

Most people who grow this plant use the small cut branches method, although it can be planted from seeds or small cuttings, too.

Learn how to plant lavender in a small pot

It is considered that you are a person who lives in Brazil, know that only a few species of the 450 existing ones that will be possible to have an easy planting in our country. However, it will depend on which species you chose for your planting.

Do you have in mind why you want to plant lavender? Is it for perfumery, decoration, essential oil production or tea production? You will be inside every detail from then on, about the cultivation of this flower so loved in the world.

To solve some doubts, this article will portray the best known lavender in Brazil, which is “dentata”, one of the best adapted to Brazilian soil, climate and other natural factors.


Uncover the mysteries surrounding lavender planting

First, to prepare the soil, you will need a vase, even a small one. Lavenders are the type of plant that prefers sandy soil and dry environments, however, it is important that the soil, in addition to being more sandy, is drained regularly, since this species does not like very humid soil.

A good technique is to carry out a soil mixture with a small amount of coarse sand and a little limestone, since this method causes the pH of the soil to rise, and lavender has a preference for soils with a pH that varies between 6 and 8.

However, the soil should be lightly fertilized, using manure or some type of organic residue. This fertilizer procedure is extremely necessary, it is certainly a slow plant in its flowering. Therefore, it is good when this process is accelerated, and fertilizers are rich in phosphorus, which is why it is recommended.

Download this manual and understand how to plant lavender in a small pot

In addition to everything you just learned, the lavender plant is useful for various purposes, such as flavoring, cosmetics, decoration, medicine and food. Be sure to read everything about it in the manual made available to you at the end of this article. See briefly the contents you will access, about:

It is important that this plant undergoes good pruning, which will maintain its rounder shape, which makes it even more interesting. It is recommended that those flowers that have dried be cut, and you can even use them for perfumes or spices.

Among the medicinal effects extracted from this plant, it has calming, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. Isn't it really a wonder? Start planting it today.

Final considerations about this plant rich in benefits and advantages

Lavender plants are adept at frequent sun, however, if they are in very hot places, it is recommended that they are only exposed during the day. As this plant likes a dry climate, it does not need to be constantly watered, and this can only be done once a week.

However, the lavender flower is a very beautiful plant, but it is considered a rough diamond that needs to be polished little by little, and therefore regular pruning is recommended. This species can reach up to 60 centimeters, however you will always feel the need to prune a little more, since here we are dealing with plants to be planted in small pots.

It is also recommended that pruning be carried out up to 2/3 of the plant, however it does not mean that it should be cut in any way. It is suggested that pruning be done after the plant has flowered.

Download this app and have an excellent plantation manual at hand

Anyway, now that you know a little about the purple lavender plant, famous dentata, start separating all the material so that you can start planting it today. Be sure to nourish yourself with knowledge first, it will be important in this process.

Therefore, to help you and make sure you have the best lavender planting ever seen, be redirected to the essential material to make your plant, in addition to being beautiful, also healthy. In addition, we will recommend the app to accompany this beautiful planting walk, just ACCESS which will be forwarded to the link.

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