Colombo or Colombo stores as it is also known is one of the most famous stores in Brazil due to its tradition as a good store with high confidence in its products.
The store managed to be more and more popular over time and today it has a very popular mobile application so that you can shop directly from home without any headaches.
in addition, the application is very fast and easy to use, which is why it is recommended for any audience and even for people who have cell phones that are a little simpler, since they were still able to make their purchases.
Colombo's application is fast and you can see it the moment you install it. In the tests carried out, we realized that it occupied only 10 MB of the cell's memory, which is extremely little for today.
In addition, the application, after being installed, does not ask for any type of permission from the user, which means that you have even more security to use it since it will not access any specific data from your smartphone.
What you should do here after installing the application for the first time it will ask you to agree with the privacy policy and the use of cookies by the Colombo website.
Once this is done, you can now browse the application and take advantage of the store's main offers, which in turn generate different offers for both the website and the application and often the product you want in the application can be cheaper than in the store itself.
Another very interesting point is that you can access the Colombo store website directly from the application, but if you don't have an account, it will also ask for some data directly from the application.
Colombo's asset home screen is very simple but extremely functional. You will have access to offers for that day as well as special offers for any commemorative date. In our tests we observed that the ore and we had several offers for Mother's Day.
Just as we entered the application on May 31st and realized that there were offers called “vira month”, to then start new promotions in June.
On the contrary, you will see the most sold products of the day and those that are being visited the most and with the lowest prices. All this regardless of whether or not you are looking for that specific product.
Now you can also select from the 3 options bars in the upper left corner of the application and choose any of the Colombo store departments.
Navigating through the departments is very easy and you will have several categories, for example: you can select the heart furniture option and then a new options bar will open with furniture and decoration items. done that you can select, for example, the kitchen option and then kitchen items like cupboards and tables will appear for you.
As soon as you select the item you want, it will open a new page where you can see if the item is on sale or not and what is the value of it in the bank slip and if there is a difference for the purchase with a credit card.
Also pay attention to the reviews of other customers who also bought this product before you to find out if it really is everything you want or if it's better to keep looking.
On the product page you will have information about its main characteristics and a brief description of the store so you can get to know the product. There is also a tab for you to see the payment method and whether the credit card installment is with or without interest.
Note that there is also an option to assemble the shipping and delivery time to your home. In some cities, Colombo stores allow the customer to pick up the product directly from the store, so you can check if this is available for you too.
Once this is done, just select paste and you are directed to another page and then you can continue the purchase. Take the opportunity to look for discount coupons on the internet as the store always launches some that can give you between 10 and 30% off various items.