Healthy Eating - Discover the app that evaluates food


Everyone knows that it is very important to maintain a healthy diet in order to have a balanced life, however, we do not always know if what we are eating is good or bad, because many types of food deceive us and this can be dangerous.

The app that you will now know is the pioneer in foodcore in Brazil. It will help you make healthier food choices, consciously, when shopping at the supermarket. It is a fully independent platform.

Everyone wants to eat better, however, with the amount of confusing labels, hostile marketing and thousands of options being offered, figuring out which is the best product to buy in your food can be very difficult.

Learn a little more about this platform

Do you have the ability to evaluate and unravel nutritional information and which ingredients to avoid? Do you know that expensive product is a really good choice or are you just buying a pig in a poke?

This platform, so useful and necessary, translates all the important data on the label of a product with a score, between 0 and 100, pointing you to the best product options, according to your dietary goals.

This app's database and information has thousands of products and foods that have already been evaluated, not to mention the updates that are made daily, based on the registered labels sent by the tool's users.


Always choose the best option and value your health

Choosing the right products and foods is extremely important for anyone looking for a balanced and healthy diet. And with a huge range of options available in the markets, choosing the best option can be a complicated task and that's why this app will help you.

The barcode of a given product, when scanned through the camera of the cell phone, will be searched by the app in the platform's information base, which will inform the "food score" of such, between 0 and 100 as a form of evaluation. whether a food is good or bad, nutritionally speaking.

And to carry out this evaluation, criteria such as levels of sodium, sugars, trans fats, quantity of ingredients and the new classification, which informs the degree of processing of the food, are used. Users themselves can “favourite” foods and compare them to recurring products.

See the features of the app that help you maintain a healthy diet

Once downloaded, it becomes an addiction to look for product reviews, and you start to pay more attention to the food you consume and consequently make smarter and healthier choices. See the features you'll access when you download it:

It is an extremely practical app and works very well. In addition, it is easy to handle and the fact that it is open to register food is very interesting. It will be amazing how you will be surprised by some items that maybe you bought thinking you were making a good choice, when in fact it was just a mistake.

However, if you would really like to know if a certain food has preservatives, the amount of sugar, trans fat and other data, however, it seems confusing to unravel this nutritional information, this app is your best option, as it will help you simplify your choices.

Learn how to use the healthy eating partner app

First, download the app on your phone and open it. Afterwards, click on the “start” option and enter your email to create a profile on the platform. Then the app will show you the main screen. Select the “Scan” option to use the camera or manually type the product name in the search bar.

When performing the first image search, you will need to grant access to your cell phone's camera. Therefore, point the cell phone camera at the product's barcode. After scanning, the app's platform will show you all the data regarding ingredient levels with a score from 0 to 100.

However, 100 indicates that a given product is the healthiest option. To access all detailed product data and information, select one of the access tabs and check each category.

Download the app and start making good choices right now

Do not neglect your health, and make good choices when it comes to food, shopping and home, that way you will preserve your health and gain more time in your life, as you will be nourishing your body properly.

Therefore, click here right now and be redirected to the virtual application store, download the application that will provide you with a more balanced and healthy diet. Be part of the team who takes care of food and makes good choices at the supermarket.

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