Study app for free exams — Learn how to install


For those who like to focus on tests, having a study app for free competitions can be essential on the path. In Brazil, currently, there is an increase in prices due to several important factors. Therefore, many people do not have the financial means to enroll in preparatory courses. In contrast, the demand for contest-style tests is quite high. So the desire to find support materials as well.

Thinking about these students, several apps offer materials for these tests, free of charge. As a result, millions of users benefit from the ease of being able to study without leaving home. Several contests are open throughout the year, so it might be a good chance for anyone looking for a steady career. Having the opportunity to study is essential if you want to finish in a good position.

Remembering that if you want to pass the test of dreams, there must be preparation, as well as a lot of dedication. So, studying through a free exam study app helps a lot of people. In this article, students can learn more about an app that seeks to help concurseiros online. Thus, taking the first steps towards a learning routine.

Scoring Contests with the Free Study App for Contests

Gabaritando can be a good study app option for exams. Well, there are several useful tools for those who want to learn for free. Thus, with the aim of creating conditions for students to reach better places in their tests. Furthermore, everything is online, without having to travel from your home to the course.

Among the main functions is the performance of simulations, which help a lot, in practice for the real tests. In addition to having classes and exercises, thus immersing students in a routine. Know everything about your favorite contests, therefore, one more facility, since the app brings data from the public notice.

It is not a difficult task to find the app, as it is present in the largest digital app stores. That said, it is possible to download Gabaritando on Android and IOS phones. So, being available on most of the devices we know today. Also remembering that it is a free platform to install and use.


Learn how to use Study App for free exams

Once downloaded, the user will be free to start learning about the main tests. Therefore, it's very easy to start writing a new future, because the app is very simple and straightforward. With this, the student does not need to be curled up with the platform. By following some tips, you can still optimize the use and experience.

The menu interface is a very fast model, already having all the functions available in the app. So, just choose one of the options, according to the user's planning. There are video lessons, quick questions, simulations, announcements, everything ready for the student.

In addition, the user can enjoy tips to improve performance in tests. For example, specific help for each contest, that is, what to bring, where to focus, among other things. Therefore, the student should be aware of all the bonuses in the app.

Valuable tips to optimize your study

If you have just started to prepare, it is essential that you start gradually. So, plan hours of study that you can complete, so you don't get tired and give up at first. In addition to needing to have discipline to meet the schedules, that is, not to be late and focus on finishing. Also practice activities that improve your concentration such as physical activity.

Another good tip is to eliminate distractions that may get in the way, for example, the cell phone. If you don't need it at that time, it's better to leave it away or in airplane mode, so the notifications don't call your attention. With this, the student can reach a higher level of fixation, since he will not be waiting for messages.

Finally, it is essential that the student is focused in order to improve their performance. Some may experience difficulty at first, however, by dedicating themselves, there may be an improvement. Like any activity performed, practice and quality time are necessary for good development.

Other study apps

Final considerations

Studying is a basic right of every citizen, however, there are differences in relation to education in Brazil. For example, people who pay for prep courses tend to get better jobs. Therefore, some apps emerge to save students with less conditions.

Gabaritando Concursos is a study app for competitions, which works for free. Therefore, it gives hope to thousands of students who think about having a better future.

To discover more apps that help in different areas of life, visit the “applications” section of the website.