Free Digital Satellite Satellite - Instruction


The Free Digital Satellite Kit is a government initiative that aims to provide access to digital television for low-income families.

This kit includes a digital satellite dish and converter, allowing recipients to receive image quality and some higher digital TV signals.

Therefore, this measure aims to ensure that everyone has access to technological advances in television broadcasting, promoting digital inclusion and democratizing access to information and entertainment.

To register for the program and guarantee collection of the Free Digital Satellite Satellite Kit, follow the steps below:

Access the official website of the “Siga Antenado” program through your internet browser. On the website, find the registration option and click on it.

Fill out the registration form with the requested information, such as full name, CPF, address, and other relevant data.


Please be sure to provide accurate and up-to-date information as it will be used to verify your eligibility for the program.

After filling out the form, send the registration request. Wait for your request to be analyzed.

The process may take some time, and you may receive updates on the status of your registration through the website.

If your application is approved, follow the instructions provided to receive the Free Digital Satellite Satellite Kit.