FGTS - Automatic transfer of your FGTS through the cashier has


People born in August received FGTS worth R$1,000 this Wednesday, see now how to withdraw and transfer. The emergency FGTS withdrawal will be released to thousands of people this week, and those born in September will be able to withdraw a thousand reais on Saturday.

Caixa Econômica will release extraordinary FGTS deposits for people born in August and September this week. However, the bank continues with withdrawals of emergency amounts and 42 people who will receive the benefit.

The first group that received the withdrawal were those born in August, and Saturday, May 28th, will be the turn of people born in September, and subsequently the blood of the extraordinary FGTS will be released to more than 5 million people, still in the next week.

Don't miss out on your extraordinary FGTS

The emergency blood that was released by the government in the no of 2022 has a limit of one thousand reais per person. Therefore, the value that the worker has in the account is irrelevant, he just cannot exceed this limit of one thousand reais.

In the case of people who have an available balance, Caixa Econômica carries out the automatic credit operation of the amounts in the account. For this reason, it will not be necessary to apply for the extraordinary FGTS.

However, in the situation where the person has their balance in addition to an account linked to work contracts, already ended or current, the bank will prioritize the withdrawal first of accounts that are inactive and with a smaller balance, later it will deduct the amounts from the other accounts.


Understand more about how the extraordinary FGTS withdrawal will work

People who meet the requirements to withdraw the emergency FGTS will automatically receive it in the Caixa Tem savings account. However, the payment date depends on the month in which each person was born, since the withdrawal schedule will follow an order.

The first people to receive the money were those who were born in January, and the schedule will end on June 15, according to the official website, when immediate withdrawals are released for people born in December.

However, if the person does not have a Caixa Tem digital savings account, they will open an account and the FGTS deposit will fall into this new account without the person having to go to an agency to resolve these factors.

Follow the step by step on how to withdraw the amount receivable from your benefit

In addition to moving amounts through the app, people will be able to withdraw amounts to be received in cash through ATMs, lottery outlets and correspondents. However, for this to be done, the user will need to access the app from the cashier, click on “withdrawal without a card” and wait to generate a blood code. Afterwards, follow the step by step on the official website:

According to Caixa Econômica, payment for working people, who meet the requirements to receive the benefit, starts early in the morning, that is, at 9 am it is guaranteed that the amount is already in the worker's account.

However, according to what has already been said here, when the scheduled date on the FGTS calendar arrives, the person will automatically receive their money in their savings account at Caixa Tem.

Final considerations regarding the FGTS Withdrawal

Through the app, everyone will be able to transfer the value of the extraordinary FGTS according to their needs, whether to pay a bill, a water bill, electricity, purchases, transfers and much more, even using Pix.

However, even with the automatic deposit of the benefit, people who do not wish to withdraw the amount from the account can choose to undo the credit through the app itself. And for that to be done, just access the app or go to a branch, and say that you don't want to receive the withdrawal.

That is, if the money has already been deposited in the app at the Caixa Tem, the worker will be able to choose to undo the automatic credit until November 10, 2022. In any case, the amounts that have already been deposited and have not movement up to December 15, 2022, the respective accounts of the worker's Guarantee Fund will be returned with the corrections.

Download the Caixa Tem app and don't miss the withdrawal of your value

Anyway, access the Caixa has application if you already have the registration, but if you haven't yet, download it and create your account so that you can receive your benefit amounts there, in a simple and practical way.

Therefore, to help you and ensure that you download the correct app, you will be automatically directed to the online app shopping store website and download yours right now and check if the value of your benefit is already available to you.

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