Have you heard about Basic Basket 2023? After the delicate period the country went through, the benefit of the basket was thought of individually by some state governments with the intention of fighting hunger.
However, the baskets contain a variety of products, from hygiene kits to food to be distributed among the neediest families who are in a state of social vulnerability.
A Basic Basket 2023 presents some news, let's understand better sesse article. If you include yourself in this group of people or know someone who is, read all the content so that this information can be extended and more people can benefit from the basic food baskets.
To have access to the basic basket benefit, the family must be included in the CadÚnico for social projects and programs, as it is the way that the Federal Government found to identify and characterize, in the socioeconomic aspect, the most needy families.
However, the registration of families in the Cadastro Único makes it easier and makes the families registered there effectively benefit from the programs set up by the State Governments.
And if you don't know if you already have a registration in the Single Registry, you can access the official Government website, call the phone: 0800 707 2003 or even download the official app “Meu CadÚnico” and check there.
However, it will be necessary to check which states have already adhered to the idea of this benefit, as there may be some different rule for this benefit to be requested, therefore, it is necessary to consult.
Consult the CRAS of your region or city, SP, MG, PE, RJ, CE already has an exclusive protocol. For example, the Government of São Paulo chose to distribute 50,000 food cards worth R$ 100 to needy families.
In MG, the most vulnerable families have the right to pick up basic food baskets at supermarkets in BH. The city hall informed that the number of 240 thousand baskets would be distributed, not counting the hygiene ones.
In addition to the already expressed condition for acquiring the basic basket benefit, it is convenient to expose what will not be accepted to register as a beneficiary of the program, see some:
However, it is important to pay attention to the requirements to be included in the list of beneficiaries, so that there is no mistake. Take all your documents, with a photo, and include them to benefit as well.
At the time of registration, people must have their RG, proof of residence, work card that indicates they have no employment relationship and documents that demonstrate their professional activity.
In the state of RJ, they decided to provide an exclusive card for the basic food basket, aimed at the most needy and vulnerable families. The value of the basket is R$ 130.00 in two installments.
Meanwhile, in BH, the city hall and the government of the Federão District are delivering the baskets to these families, in a state of vulnerability. And to benefit, you need to fill out forms available on the city hall website and present the accurate documentation.
Furthermore, in Nova Serrana, MG, it opted to provide a register for those families who could receive a basket with food and hygiene products for two consecutive months.
Citizens should check whether they are entitled online, accessing the city hall's official website (click here to access). Or by calling the number already indicated, or even downloading the website.
In addition, attention must be paid to the criteria to be included in the group of beneficiaries, as in addition to being from a vulnerable family, they still need to comply with the stipulated criteria.
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