Applications for watching movies


As we know the Apps to Watch Movies are increasingly present in the lives of people everywhere in the world. In addition, there are many options that provide users with wonderful internet experiences.

Among so many options, today we are going to talk about the 5 best apps to see movies and series on mobile. One of the things that have been more easily accessed with the advancement of the internet is the transmission of videos, films and other programs that are part of people's lives.

And best of all, they are super affordable. However, before subscribing to a plan with an application that enables streaming of movies and series on your cell phone, it is super important to know in detail the options that will guarantee quality, trust and safety above all else.

Therefore, we have prepared this article that will show the best options today and, above all, enable users to watch the desired programming at any time and place.

1 – YouTube Premium

YouTube is the biggest streaming site today, its free version is followed daily by millions of internet users. One of the disadvantages of the free version of is the advertisements that interrupt programming broadcasts.

Therefore, we recommend users to register with the platform and thus have access to YouTube Premium with quality and above all, watch it anytime and anywhere with just a connected cell phone in hand. The values of the Premium version of YouTube are very affordable and can be purchased at the following prices:


By subscribing to a Premium plan with the platform, customers get YouTube Music to accompany the songs they want to listen to on a daily basis.

2 – Netflix

in the list of 5 best apps to watch movies and series on your cell phone Netflix should always be remembered. The influence that this platform exerts today is immense, and with each passing day more people hire their available plans. It is worth remembering that it was one of the pioneers in providing the transmission service.

That's why Netflix offers one of the excellent App to watch movies and series, in addition to having a very good price, the quality in the transmission is fully guaranteed.

  1. Basic> Current value of R$ 21.90 reais per month, can be transmitted on one screen at a time.
  2. Standard> Current value of R$ 32.90 reais per month, transmission for up to two simultaneous screens.
  3. Premium> Provides the signal for up to 4 screens simultaneously at a cost of r$ 45.90 per month.

For the interested party to have access to the platform, it is necessary to register on Netflix and subscribe to one of the plans available to the public.

3 – Globosat Play

As it is linked to Rede Globo television, Globosat Play has a great app to watch movies and videos on mobile. In addition, it has a very wide programming grid with options for series, soap operas, drawings, programs and films that marked an era on Brazilian TV.

See some of the programs that are part of Globosat play:

The differential of Globosat Play is that it has no cost for subscribers of some closed TV operators, such as:

So to use one of 5 best apps to watch movies and series on your cell phone Globosat Play, just download it from the Globo Play App, both on Android and Smartphone and use it in your daily life.

4 – Amazon Prime Video

One of the fastest growing platforms in the world is Amazon and that is why it has one of the 5 best apps to watch movies and series on your cell phone. In 2020 Amazon was recognized as Netflix's main competitor in the worldwide Streaming market.

Interestingly, Prime Videos has a catalog very similar to Netflix, with movies, series, videos and highly qualified children's content.

To have access to the programming that the App for watching movies, series and videos makes available, those interested must subscribe to a plan that costs just R4 9.99 per month.

In this way, they will have at their disposal the best content that is part of the platform, accessible from anywhere with just a cell phone connected to the internet.

5 – Looke

To round off our list of Apps to watch movies and series on your cell phone, let's talk about the looke. A Brazilian platform that has gained a lot of space in the Streaming market, especially for those who like to follow a program with Brazilian films. follow the link to find your app

One of the advantages that Looke subscribers have at their disposal is being able to rent a movie and watch it on their cell phone with the app. The value of renting a film is only R$ 1.89 reais for 48 hours and buying a film costs only R$ 14.90 reais.