Movies and Series - Discover the Best App


In this article, you will get a lot of information that will help you to know a little more about how a particular Application to Watch Movies Online works. In times of social isolation, due to the pandemic, we are managing to do things that were a little more difficult before, such as marathoning series and movies online.

A great pastime is now becoming more and more present in our daily lives, and for that reason, we decided to bring here a new option in addition to Netflix, which we are already used to.

Despite the fact that it presents a wide variety of extremely high quality content, it is always interesting to look for other alternatives, so we ask you to read it for this article, to find out more details.

Which Application To Watch Movies Online is indicated?

Currently, there is a wide variety of streaming platforms, which allow you to watch various artistic productions of great prestige by the public. And among so many choices we could make, we decided to bring here in this article, more details about Telecine Play!

That's right, the network of cable television channels, which covers Telecine Pipoca, Cult, Action, Premium and Touch now has a streaming platform.

If you're a fan of the channel, but you can't agree on the times that certain films will be shown, the application is your salvation. You don't need to have a Smart TV, or even a TV, just a smartphone with internet access or a Wi-Fi network for your problems to be solved.


With Telecine Play, you can watch all the movies that are scheduled to be shown on the channels, but you don't have to wait for the exact date or time. That is, you will have access to all the movies whenever you want.

More about Telecine Play:

So that you have a better idea of how big Telecine Play's catalog is, it is estimated that there are more than 2,000 titles from different categories, so you can choose what interests you most.

But in addition to practicality and this wide variety of movie options, the app also has a very intuitive interface. We call intuitive interfaces those that are well organized, which generates greater understanding and better use. What is essential for a good experience on the platform.

A Telecine Play, like Netflix, offers the first month of subscription for free. However, when this deadline is exceeded, you will pay R$ 37.90. At Telecine, 5 different profiles can be created, that is, each member of the family will have the right to a screen. May have recommendations that interest you individually.

And if you have children, there is the possibility of creating a kids profile, where only children's programs, series and films will be recommended. Be a subscriber of Telecine Play it can be something quite advantageous, since with it, you can have access to several movie releases, without having to leave your home. But if you want to go to the cinema, you will have a discount on Kinoplex and UCI tickets.

How to install the Telecine Play application?

Installation is simple to do, but if in doubt follow the brief step by step.

1: Go to your smartphone's app store, be it Android or IOS;

2: in the search bar, type “Telecine Play” and click on the first option, where it should inform you that the download must be free;

3: later, you will simply need to click on “Install” if your cell phone is Android, or on “Get” if it is an iPhone.

Ready! Now just wait for the download to complete.

Then, when you access the application, just create your account in which it will only ask for some personal data and that's it! Now you can have access to all the content that Telecine Play has to offer.