Application to measure saturation - Find out which is the best app


Have you ever thought about having an app to measure saturation? We are aware that with each passing day technology is developing more and more and making people's lives easier, including with regard to health.

Therefore, surprisingly, there is already an app, a partner of some hospitals, that offers you a simple and quick access platform that measures your saturation in a few minutes.

You will be able to detect your life signs with just a few clicks. It is from the functional technology that the application itself will analyze through the forehead or cheeks and provide a result.

Why should we measure saturation?

The measurement of saturation is essential for a medical evaluation, therefore, heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, and others, are always collected during a medical consultation or emergency care.

However, the importance of having an oximeter in the form of an application, which is easy to handle, is fundamental, since it will measure the amount of oxygen present in your blood.

For this reason, it is important to have a blood oxygen meter in hand, so that you can monitor whether you are at your ideal value, which is 95% and above, because if it is below it means a respiratory problem or others.


Learn more about the app to measure saturation

This application can be installed both on Android and iPhone, and it develops several basic features for your personal control, such as weighing, sleep quality, saturation and others.

However, the measurement of your saturation will only be accurate as long as your device is in good condition, capable of obtaining a clear result, for example, the digital sensors must be working.

When you want to check your saturation, all you have to do is activate the “pressure” function and then place your finger on the sensor. Therefore, the app itself will perform an analysis and show you the result.

Problems that can be identified with the app

We know that everything is connected to our bodies, and for you to stay on top of everything that happens to you and monitor your health, with the tools already described, see what types of problems can be identified:

And all of this can be measured with just one photo or vital sensors. It is through the sensors that the app has the ability to analyze parts of your body and possible problem and present results.

There are more than 15 million users around the world, certainly the tools used are available in different areas, whether in personal health, public and patient care, and even to serve as well-being assistance.

Precautions we should take with oxygen saturation

It is evident that taking care of health is essential and fundamental, and in order to avoid unexpected surprises, we must always pay attention to our bodies, and having an application to measure saturation is already a big step.

Therefore, if your saturation was measured from 85% to 90%, you must be aware that some problems may appear, such as heart failure, anemia, asthma or pneumonia, and you should seek medical attention.

A person who already has some type of respiratory disease, as in the case of asthma, pneumonia, obstructive pulmonary disease, if the saturation measurement is below 88% to 90%, is a very big alert, and you should seek a professional with urgency.

Download the app to measure saturation and stay informed about your health

Anyway, after knowing a little about the importance and the need to have a saturation gauge in hand, we brought you an application to help you with that. Pay attention to ways to measure your blood oxygen saturation.

It's even easier knowing that this can be done through an app. Check it out now on the best platform for you, whether it's the Play Store or App Store, it's available on both devices.

It is important to emphasize that this app does not meet the need for a medical consultation. Click here for more tips, and remember that this app is only for routine and personal control, and you should seek out a professional in specific cases.